Lines of the week:
- Liz to Deirdre "Do you even play bridge?" Deirdre "I don't know about playin it, i'll be ready to jump off it!"
- Liz "I know Steve's no saint but he were a good kid" (blinders, just like all the other mothers)
- Hayley "I hate that Hooch. I could do unspeakable things"
- Steve "Pet Monkeys work out where they're loved and park their hairy backsides down"
- Slug to Becky "You know i care about you" (yeah, but you care about your skinny backside being out of jail more)
- Tyrone "Typhoid Tyrone" Jack "I think you mean Typhoo!"
- Naomi "I've been given the old heave ho by a bloke's six year old!"
- Cop to Becky "The charges have been dropped" (with the evil eye of Hooch being shot through the blinds at her!)
Ramsay's death has affected Norris more than he's willing to admit. It's good that Rita is making him have a memorial service in Weatherfield for the people that knew Ramsay. Seems like Amber doesn't really want Darryl to come to London with her for some reason. Chances are pretty good that "every weekend" will be "once or twice a month" and then we'll never see her again. Pam is smartening Bill and Jason up! Now they're wearing bright orange overalls. Similar to the prison orange jumpsuits, aren't they? Sean and Leon sure seemed to appreciate Jason!
That was definitely the dinner party from hell. Sally trying to be all posh and a drunken Claire sniping at Ashley and Molly throwing "looks" at Kevin. Everyone ends up insulting each other but Molly keeps jumping to Kevin's defence and being very obvious. Now they're back in the sack and sneaking around again. I can hardly stand watching it. The lies. The deceit. Bleh.
Liz is still bullying Becky. I can understand how she's skeptical and worried that Steve's getting in over his head but I can still dislike how she is treating Becky lately. I hope she has the grace to apologize when she's proven wrong and Becky is cleared because you know that's going to happen! Becky is convinced she's going to prison and doesn't want Steve to be stuck with a wife inside and no life outside, but Steve is more loyal than that. Unfortunately, Liz's attitude sparked Becky's insecurities and she legged it.
Thankfully, Steve found her due to Roy and Hayley's deductive powers. The Transporter in the cab got him there 2 minutes after she had called them he got there before she got on the bus. Over and over he has to convince her he isn't going to run away, that he's going to support her no matter what. And Lloyd had a lucky break and in a 007 moment, leaped into the air and brought Slug down with a crash. Funny moment with Steve and Lloyd trying to decide who was going to rough up Slug and neither of them could do it so they let Becky at him and then they fitted up Hooch, yet again. Hooch didn't seem to want to take the chance that Becky and Slug would be believed. She has a lot of support these days, not like in the past when she had nobody and it's well known, i'm sure, that he has a grudge against her. The accusations would have just enough credence to sink him.
Jack is having trouble finding his own place. Connie wants him to move in with her, platonically, and he can bring his pigeons! But it's hard for Jack to leave it, where he and Vera lived, and battled. Seems to be a lot more sentimental about her now she's gone. She could have used a bit of that when she was alive. You'd think after all the bitching Tyrone did about Connie, they'd have invited him to see her house long before now. All it took was a snooker table and Tyrone was all "It's all forgotten now!" But he did have the grace to apologize.
What's wrong with Peter having a lady over if Simon isn't there? Ken, have you ever heard of doorbells? Turns out she wasn't too keen on kids even though Simon was very well behaved and Simon was very perceptive about her. Awww Simon's bunny died!