- Fiz "It's not Christmas without lights" and "What would i do without you" (you're about to find out)
- Jason "I was thinking Rochdale, not Rome!"
- Audrey at Christmas dinner "it simply cannot be as bad as Christmas Day last year" (SOPOD!!! Whammo, it's Jinx time!)
- Fiz to John "If i like what I find, you never know, you might get lucky" (or not)
- Rosie "It's not from John, i swear" Kevin "Nobody said it was" (Busted!)
- John "It wasn't my fault!" (if that isn't the most pathetic thing a grown adult could say, because obviously "No" isn't in his vocabulary?)
- Sally to Rosie "if your dad goes to prison because you couldn't keep your knickers on you're in for a very bumpy ride"
- Rosie to Sally "I had what you wanted. And you're jealous!"
- Blanche about Fiz "They said she was beside herself with grief. She doesn't look it to me. Not with a mouth full of bacon!" (it's called comfort food!)
- Rosie to John "I'll see you around then" (not if he sees you first!)
- Sarah "Jason thinks what I think"
- Tyrone to Kevin "You should have hit him a bit harder!"

It's not much of a Christmas for David, with his dream shattered at the hands of his sister. Steven walked right into Sarah's plans, and it's a done deal and Jason really doesn't have much of a say, not when it's something Sarah really wants. It's a three month trial, so why is Sarah talking about Beth growing up with two languages? She made all the arrangements and they never told anyone until there was only four days left until departure. Not very fair on Gail is it? And Sarah waited until maximum humiliation for David could be aquired. If i was Jason, the alarm bells would already be ringing in my head. I'd think Bill would probably think Jason going to Italy wouldn't be such a bad thing, even with a different language. He did it years ago going to Germany. Well David is going to have his last ditch effort and try to convince Jason that Sarah stitched him up. And let's face it, Jason is a good lad, at heart. Will he believe David? I think he'll look back on Sarah's whole attitude and realize it's true. So if it's true, what will Jason do?
Rosie's making John choose. It's not as if she's all in love with him, is it? She just wants to lead him around by the nose and rub everyone's faces in it. And not have to sneak around. She must be getting bored. Anyway, he then started to break up with Fiz with excuses, and she knew it but he backed down. He really does love her. But oh boy! Wasn't that a serendipitous way of finding out? You could tell straight away that's what was going to happen when Fiz found a gift under the bed and put it under the tree. So Fiz gets Rosie's slinky knickers and Rosie opens Fiz's sturdy pjs!!! Of course Fiz would immediately suspect Sally but judging from the look of the knickers, they wouldn't even fit Sally! Even Kevin started to have doubts. I don't see why Sally is all holier-than-thou, though. She'd have had John if he'd been willing! and into the fray swans Miss Thing who hoisted herself with her own petard. But also, totally unrepentant. And then it all blows up and ends with John on the cobbles being kicked around by an irate Kevin and Rosie looked at him as if he were gum on her shoe. Shows how much she really thought about John, doesn't it? It was all a game to her, one which she kept upping the ante to see how far she could push things. And what does John do? Whine that it isn't his fault and oh mummy she made me do it and the bad man hit me, Mr. Policeman! Yes, ok, it was assault. but who can blame Kevin? Obviously, Mr. Righteous and Morally Upstanding does. Did anyone but me get the impression that, when John was talking to Rosie just before he left, that he was blaming her for his problems? Who's the adult here? Who had the responsibility to say no? No surprise he wasn't taking any responsibility for his actions.

Fallout. When Kevin and the cops came outside, Eileen said "Have you seen Kevin's shirt!", but he had changed into a clean one, he didn't still have the bloody one one. Surely John will lose his job? Even if the affair started before Rosie was his student, it did continue. I wonder if Kirk thinks he might get Fiz back but in the meantime, he seems to think Becky fancies him. Blanche is haunting Fiz, hoping for some inside gossip straight from the horse's mouth. Somehow, i think between witnessing all this and the kerfluffle in the Platt household over the Milan job, this Christmas probably was worse than Audrey's last year (when David outed her and Bill's fling to Maureen!) You would think Kevin, having a pretty clean record, would have got off with community service. I guess we have to wait a couple of weeks to find out. Even though Kevin might have argued that it was temporary insanity, he was probably right in pleading guilty in the end. I was so glad Sally slapped little miss Knickers, weren't you? About the only thing that made Rosie even blink with a slight bit of shock and regret was her father's insults calling her a scrubber. Didn't expect that, did you, missy? Poor Fiz, my heart breaks for her!
Looks like Jerry and Harry both have sons that are missing the tact gene. Laughed at Jamie and Liam leaving their wild single youth behind and looking ahead at fatherhood. I won't say looking forward, they were both scared. There's no way on earth uber First Aider Roy would have frozen at the onset of Kirk choking and have feckless Becky come to the rescue. Where on earth would she even have learned the Heimlich? Becky's coralling all the odds and ends for their own little family dinner for Christmas. Roy didn't have a say either. Just like Jason lol! But why on earth would Hayley phone Roy in the cafe on Christmas day? She'd know he'd not be open, wouldn't she? Wasn't he cute, putting his Christmas paper hat back on to talk to her on the phone? Tony's going for a four star restaurant.. In Paris! I'm surprised Dev kept the shop open even if he's Hindu (and yet he bought Amber a Christmas present, golfing clothes? Is that possibly the most uncool thing you could buy a teenage girl ever???). It could hardly be worth his while. Darryl is developing a soft spot (or something) for Lauren. I hate her more and more every scene. She's really odious, isn't she? Laughed at Tyrone and Dev betting on how long Jason would last in Italy.
Cilla sent Chesney a singing Elvis mug!!! it wasn't even wrapped up all that much, i can't imagine how it got there unbroken. Ches said it was already Christmas in America. He got his time zones backwards. And it seems Kirk is even more of a kid than Chesney! Up in the wee hours! Amy walks! But nobody let her try to tear the paper off a gift. At 4 years old, she's more than capable. poor kid! Liz's gift was to put something on. Vernon's will be to unwrap it off her! After Ryan received all his Uncle Paul's top end computer games, what does Liam buy him? Another one! Maria might say she's not bothered about his kiss with Carla, but she is. Why couldn't we have been allowed to see Norris make an arse of himself at the hotel? probably would have been more fun than the boring Platts. A bit hard to have a good time though, when the spectre of Christmas past and present is scowling over the procedings. Vernon gave Amy a cd he'd wanted himself, Yes a four year old is going to want David Bowie. Indeed. Prat. We did get a little glimpse of the Peacocks and Joshua got a very cool Ood mask (Doctor Who monster!)
Awww Andy won't be coming for his mum's wedding. I always liked Andy. It was nice to see him last time he came, for Steve's nuptials. I'm enjoying Jim being a thorn in Vernon's side. It's really clear that him being around, even on his best behaviour, is giving Liz second thoughts. It's clear he still loves Liz, you can see the history between them every time they look at each other. And Steve *never* should have told Jim about Liz's fling with the dreary drayman!!! Gotta give Vernon points though, he takes it all quietly but isn't afraid to tell Jim what he thinks, too. If it comes down to it, he'll fight for his Liz.
Michelle finally had a proper talk with Nick, Alex's dad. And it looks like Alex has a few angst issues with his dad. Michelle is right, though, this revelation really will be difficult for the boys to handle and it's a tough call, what to do. Tell them or leave it? Well, the cat's out of the bag so we know it's going to come out at some point. But how long will Michelle be able to keep it from Ryan? After all, she's already said Alex was the spit of Dean so it's bound to be true. And Nick hasn't told Alex yet either.
I gotta say. It was a very eventful week but there were also so many wonderful lines and scenes. Blanche haunting the street for more gossip, Rosie lording it over Sally, Sarah lording it over David, Roy hosting Christmas dinner and waiting for Hayley's call which came at the end of the day. As always, the pair of them wittered on about who would speak about their day first and Roy, in his best cardy, putting his paper hat back on to take the call. Gold!
The Stape/schoolgirl affair blew wide open and man, oh man, did Jennie McAlpine blow me away with her acting. I *really* believed her pain and vulnerability. Fiz was shattered, her self esteem completely destroyed and her heart in pieces and you found yourself with a huge lump in your throat along with her. David finally gets his comeuppance and I don't care, Sarah was nasty and manipulative but considering what David's done to her and her family, it was Karma to end all karma. Goodbye to Sarah and Bethany. Jim McDonald keeps lurking and Vernon is very uneasy. Next week will be the wedding (or will it?) and another good week of Corrie watching.
I watched this one during the week, and then again today. I knew what was coming, and wow, did they deliver! It has been awhile since I have found myself practicaly holding my breath during an episode, but as you said, especially with Jenny (Fiz) the acting was fantastic, the story line finally coming to a close (except for poor Kevin), an all round fantastic week of Corrie!
I agree. Spoilers don't really ruin it for me, because the actual "live" show is always so much better! You get all the detail, the lines, the reactions etc. Marvellous stuff!
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