Sunday, 29 July 2007

Sunday Comments, July 29

Lines of the week:

  • Norris "I like a joke with anybody, you know that, but not during the safety demonstration"
  • Maria "I know where his tattoo is"
  • Charlie "I must be having some sort of midlife crisis" (only because you got caught)
  • Jamie "I'm a man on a mission" Sean "Mission Impossible"
  • Charlie "she'll get through the letterbox given half a chance"
  • Roy "Humour is not my strong point. you might as well tell a joke to that lamp post as to me." Tracy "You're bonkers, you" Roy "I've suspected it on occasion"
  • David "I wish i was someone else. Cos.. I don't like who i am"
  • Tracy "I'll kill him" Deirdre "Maybe later, for now just ignore him" Tracy "I swear here and now, though. I am going to kill him" (Deirdre? You might want to remember that)
  • Tracy "I know what i'm doing"
  • Gail "Deirdre Barlow or whatever she's calling herself these days" (oh and *you* should talk, been married as many times as Deirdre!)
I don't know how much Maria actually likes to hang out with David, i think now it's a matter of keeping him sweet and quiet. Calling him one of her most loyal mates? Considering that she's done the dirty on a few of her female mates, it's no wonder her best mate is a 15 year old. Whatever he is, he's starting to put doubts in Maria's tiny little mind and all it took was bully Charlie to scare David, and badly, to blow the secret a mile high. What Charlie did to David was particularly nasty though, pretending to drown him in the bath when David has a fear of water after what Hillman did. Great bitchfight on the street though wasn't it! And i laughed at Gail being smug through the netting while David squirmed. Charlie called it a bit of a fumble, but he kept on fumbling for 3 months! I really don't know why she's surprised. He thinks he might have managed to get round her when she said he could sleep on the couch. Think again. Hell hath no fury like a Tracy twice-scorned and Charlie isn't having it. He's changing the locks on her since she won't leave. She's putting on the warpaint with a purpose in mind. Dressed to kill? she's going back to Charlie and she's going to make him pay. But will he have her back? I don't blame him for not believing her groveling. I wouldn't either. That's just not Tracy Barlow. I dunno. Did you see her face during the party? I think the fireworks have only just begun!

Wow, was a near drowning what it took to get David running back to school? Maybe he figures he'll be safer from Charlie there. or is he avoiding the councilling? Well it didn't work. Councilling they've all got. The councillor, Simone, was a bit irritatingly sweet and calm. Audrey didn't like admitting she's a great-grandmother. Why would Audrey think they're managing quite well? She's the one that wanted Gail to get help. But it was a different tune when *she* had to be involved too, wasn't it! I'm actually surprised Audrey would be required to participate. I'm very surprised at David's admitting he didnt' like who he is. It really seemed to come out of nowhere and wasn't quite what you would expect in a group session. I might have thought he could say it one to one. Still, he seemed sincere didn't he? for a change.

Bill's back to town. Looks like he and Sophie have already made good friends. And he's making friends with Audrey. Tsk. Fred's only dead 5 minutes and she's flirting with Bill. Bill's not wasting time getting Kevin into trouble either. Lap dancing club??? Looks like Sally really enjoyed swatting Kevin with the teatowel!

Oh dear, Rita is injured and has to stay in Hungary for 3 more weeks! Chesney wants to be a paper boy and i think he'd probably be a pretty good one if he can convince Norris. Rita snapped at Norris after he regaled her with all his anecdotes? You don't say! Well Chesney has himself a job and I think he'll actually do a good one.

Frankie's acting like Jamie's right, like she really does "want" Jamie. soulful looks, nearly drooling over that letter..*gag* I just don't understand it. It's really being thrown down our throats and it's so contrived! I wish they would move to Spain. Now. And why would Frankie even want a bland puppy when she could have had sexy Liam, Nathan or, yes, even Danny! And could she and Jamie *be* any more obvious sitting in the caff like that?

Wow, Deirdre's face is sure showing every cig she ever smoked, isn't it? All of a sudden it seemed. Cilla wants landscaping on her boobs? Cilla and Yana were quite funny being bitchy to each other about plastic surgery. Maria wore the same top the morning after it all came out. Oh wait, it's a jacket. Hayley's trying to volunteer but keeps getting stared at. Try a new anorak, luv. Gail was hysterical when she was dissing Deirdre through the net curtains, casting aspersions over Deirdre's children when her own are just as bad or worse in some ways!

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