Sunday, 18 October 2009

Sunday Comments, October 18

Lines of the week:
  • David "The world certainly is my oyster!"
  • Tony "I am not a cold blooded murderer....not yet"
  • Tony to Jed "You're just going to have to trust me!" (eek!)
  • Vikki about the Polish booze "It'll put hairs on your dog"
  • Rita to Colin "You're still in the doghouse, but i'm enjoying the barking"
  • Janice "Get on, i'll be fine" Emily (about the patients) "Yes, but will they?"
  • Betty about Liz's party outfit "Two Words! Mutton. Lamb!" (God i love Betty!)
Phew Jed's not dead after all! Oh God did Tony give Carla the same nightly he used to throttle Jed? Ewwwww! Anyway, it looks like Jed realizes he's got to back down and has gone to some new flat that Tony owns on the promise of no more contact. Only problem is nobody knows where he is and he's left his hat behind because Tony didn't see it and had to leave quickly because he didn't know Vikki was in the house when he was clearing out Jed's things! It was like bloody Panto, him running up and down the stairs everytime someone came in the front door. So Jed is off to Wigan. We think. I figure Tony would have killed Jed when he was first coming conscious that morning if he was going to do him in so Jed's probably ok but now he's disappeared and Emily is worried. Though Norris couldn't care less. Norris got rid of Jed from under his territorial feet and now he's got Jed's cat!

Maria's really freaking out. It started in the cemetery when she found Carla and Tony's flowers. A bit tasteless especially since it was probably Tony's idea even though he blamed Carla and then he snapped and made some very definite veiled threats. I can't blame her for freaking out really. She even managed to outline some of the MURDERER letters in a darker colour so they'd stand out! Can you believe Norris was the one that called the cops? It's not his business that got defaced! I guess the alarm was shut off by the company at Tony's over-the-phone authorization. Then Becky is there watching the whole thing like a Greek chorus and correcting the spelling mistake. Maria tosses the rest of the red paint over Tony's car and gets herself arrested. Tony is an expert at making people believe what he wants and they're all tea and sympathy for the poor bereaved pregnant widow when he's done with them.

It's never Christmas unless there's a disaster at the Platt's and this one was a doozy! The Windasses crash the party. Add booze to the mix, toss in the Websters, garnish with Gary flirting with Tina and serve with a very nicked off Joe and David and the inevitable happens. David rolls around with Gary, Rosie and Tina are pulling hair, Joe starts throwing food and throws all the guests out and then storms out himself. He does come back, tail between his legs but i wonder if Gail will always have that bit of mistrust for him. Nah, this is the Blinder Queen!

Does nobody sit together and open presents anymore? They seem to be all handing them over here and there willy nilly. Seems Hayley is still out of sorts, or so it seems. Glad Becky made a point of telling her what she really had to be thankful for in Roy. Amber is playing cupid and has got Tara and Dev back together. Groan. I don't like that spoiled cow any more than i did her mother. She might say she wants to move away but he'll smooth talk her out of it eventually, you just know it. Mind you, it *was* funny seeing Dev playing Guitar Hero in the flat, complete with fashion accessories!

Steve managed to get some alone time with Becky and even decorated the taxi office for her. Awww!! But he had to lie again to Michelle. He's very good at it even when he nearly gets caught in one lie. There's always another one around the corner. Problem is there are more and more lies and he's going to mess up at some point.

I don't understand. Emily's house is much like the other houses. I think they only have two bedrooms upstairs yet Jed has a bed presumably in a room and Norris has his own room. I distinctly remember her offering Jed the front sitting room on a temporary basis. I hate when these houses turn into little magic places with expandable numbers of rooms. Anyway Emily's Polish Christmas was fun. Vikki got kale-eyed and Mary was analysing the contents of the booze. Norris was his usual snotty self.

Joe seems to be spending more money than he has. That's going to come back to bite him and Tina knows it. Janice seems to have made a new friend.

That had to be the least sweat inducing and "ENERGY" salsa dance class i've ever seen! But Lloyd seems to be catching the interest of both Poppy and Liz, i wonder if there's going to be a smackdown between them over the Blues Brother! In the meantime, he thought a date with the blonde bimbo would be a good thing but she bored him senseless! I kind if think Lloyd and Liz make a good couple. She talks about "maybe if i were 10 years younger" but let's do the (approximate) math. Liz was 16 or 17 having Steve and Andy. She had her 50th not that long ago so she might be 51 now. Lloyd is older than Steve, he could be over 40 though probalby not a lot older. He might be 10 years younger than her but could also be a couple less. It's not really that much of a stretch. When Gail went with Martin,he was barely in his 20s, but Lloyd is almost double that. It's the old double standard isn't it? Nobody blinks when the man is the older. Ken and Deirdre, Mike and most of his women, Roy and Hayley, Peter and Leanne, etc.

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