Sunday, 19 May 2013

Hey! Mr Corrie Producer!

(This post was originally posted by Graeme N on the Coronation Street Blog in May 2013.)

Imagine you found yourself granted an audience with the Coronation Street Producer, Stuart Blackburn. Yes, I know it's highly unlikely, but go on, let your mind run riot for a moment or two.

What would you ask him? Would you be brave enough to offer any advice on what's currently going wrong / going right with our favourite telly programme? 

Personally I hope I would seize the opportunity for all it was worth and go for broke! I'd probably end up being carted away by security but it would be worth it. I'm afraid I would have to ask who in their right mind decided to turn Corrie into Stella Street. Yes, I know that moan isn't new, but it continues to baffle and alarm me in equal measure. To lighten the mood, I'd go on to ask who was responsible for giving her a wardrobe that is consistently 98% beige. 

So I shall now open this question up to you, lovely Coronation Street Blog followers. What would your burning questions for Stuart Blackburn be?

This could be very interesting!

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