Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Jason and his gimlet

(This post was originally posted by Flaming Nora on the Coronation Street Blog May 2013, reposted to this blog with permission.)

I don't know about you but I had to google to find out what a gimlet is.  And here it is, it's a thing for making holes.  Not a giblet, a gimlet. So now we know.

According to, a gimlet is "a small tool for boring holes, consisting ofa shaft with a pointed screw at one end and a handle perpendicular to the shaft at the other. Mind you, it could also be "a cocktail made with gin or vodka, sweetened lime juice, and sometimes soda water."

Is that the first time the word gimlet has been used on Coronation Street? Maybe we should try to get Corrie to write in a word of our choice from the Coronation Street Blog? Many years ago on the usenet group we put a challenge to the writers to include the word 'melange' in the script and it did turn up! It's an unlikely word to be heard on Corrie and especially as the person who said it was Vera Duckworth too.

So what with melange and gimlet, what other words should appear randomly in the script? Oh go on, let's see if we can get them to write it in, just for us.    I suggest the word funicular.

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