Tuesday 8 March 2011

Have Coronation Street found the new Stan and Hilda?

(This post was originally posted by Flaming Nora on the Coronation Street Blog in April, 2010, reposted to this blog with permission.)

I'm a big fan of the Windass clan because Anna's down to earth and scrubs up a treat and Eddie's as feckless as they come, but with currants on the top. His baking skills are a real treat to have on the Street.

And as I'm warming to Anna and Eddie Windass there's certain similiarites to Stan and Hilda Ogden I've spotted. Could it be the vest that Eddie sports so much like Stan used to? Is it the way they love each other dearly but are always fighting? Or am I seeing something where nothing really is... what do you think? Have Corrie found the new Stan and Hilda in Anna and Eddie Windass?

1 comment:

nwtrunner said...

I think you're right on this one! I was looking at old Stan and Hilda clips on YouTube lately and thought to myself that Eddie and Anna fill the niche very nicely! I like that they gave Eddie the baking skills to go along with his less admirable attributes :-) THey are fun to watch and more along the lines of 'classic' Corrie characters - we need those as the Blanches leave.

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