Speaking to The Sun online at last night's BAFTA TV Awards, Michelle Collins hinted that she wouldn't say no to returning to Coronation Street.
During her time on Corrie Michelle's character Stella Price was shoe-horned into a number of major storylines – including being revealed as the biological mother of Leanne Battersby, and being trapped in the Rovers when it went up in flames – before her character left the cobbles for a new life in New York.
“Would I return to Corrie? Not at the moment, but never say never. I couldn’t say I wouldn’t do it again.”
Away from Corrie, Michelle told The Sun that she is keeping herself busy.
“I’m producing a short film at the moment and I’m really busy and I’ve got my fingers in lots of pies,” she said.
Well, this fan says let's hope her fingers stay in those pies and she doesn't get her hands on the hot pots again.

Tvor @tvordlj on Twitter
NOOOOOOO!! Surely they wouldn't would they? Just the thought gives me nightmares!
I think when they're in between jobs, they throw that out, fishing so to speak. Helen Flanagan did that for years until she was finally brought back but there was a lot more reason to bring Rosie back than there would be Stella.
I think it would make sense for Stella to come back for a short visit...Leanne just had a baby and a wedding is planned, or if Eva ever gets married??
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