Peas in a pod award: Aside from the heels, Beth and Liz are kind of similar.
Pratt award: More and more Tim is behaving like a tosser.
Bad influence award: Faye has become even more rude hanging about with Grace.
Emasculation award: Rita really tore Dennis down to size.
Contamination award. Roy and Fiz both used the hand sanitizer and then put their hands on the door to open it. Fail.
Cover up fashion award: Liz actually had the cleavage more or less covered (even if it was see through lace and later, a pink top full of holes)
Musical Ambiance: "Take on Me" in the pub when Sally and Sophie were arguing about Tim the loser.
Insincere award: Tracy's apology to Rita.
Are you new here award: Tim thinks Sally will be the no-strings girl she says she is. Julie thinks foster kids will be perfectly behaved children.
Lines of the week
Roy to Beth "Is there ever an occasion where you consider thinking before you speak?"
Liz "Steve you should know by now that a woman always gets the last word in an argument. Anything after that is the start of a new one." (it is when Steve utters it!)
Beth to Liz "I hope I'm still fabulous when I'm your age" (it *was* a compliment, albeit left-handed)
Rita to Dennis "You should DREAM of the doghouse!"
Anna "Different people have different priorities" (and Faye isn't one of Tim's)
Tina to Tracy about her fling with David "Nearly put him off for life, said he had more fun in the post office queue"
Tracy about Tina "She's got a womb to rent, er, room to rent"
Peter "I like a cat fight as much as the rest"
Sally "We're not young and this is a nightmare" (but he'll talk her round)
Tracy "You have got a really mean streak, do you know that, Tina?" Tina "Must be like looking in the mirror" (ironic, much?)
Tracy to Tina "Why are you so obsessed with my life?" (It did seem like that)
Peter to Tina "Tracy is lethal. If you don't believe me, see Weatherfield Cemetery"
Dev "Tim. Man up!" (snowball... hell)
Rob "This really is the Last Chance Saloon"
Sally "That isn't a lily of the valley freshener you can smell, it's desperation"
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