I used to love watching Coronation Street's Cilla Battersby Brown, played by Wendi Peters. Blimey - she was vile, wasn't she? But brilliantly so. I really miss her, and the recent mention of Cilla's pal Yana reminded me of her. I also noticed a photograph of her, in the Stape's house. Nobody really mentions her though. Mind you - I suppose that's hardly surprising given her awful past behaviour towards Ches and Fiz.
One of her later storylines involved her getting a job in a nursing home, and finding a wealthy resident to seduce - who turned out to be more than a match for her. I loved that one. After he died, she sold the necklace she had been left, and headed off to, well, I remembered it as Vegas, which feels right for Cilla, but on reading back about this, it seems that it was Florida. Her character kind of softened from being a thoroughly nasty, screechy harridan to start with to more of a Wilma Flintstone cartoony type.
Wendi seems to have done a bit of reality TV and some chat shows over the past year or two. I remember her singing on Soapstar Superstar as well, and getting a right slagging off the American judge for not being thin enough. Infuriating. Anyway - good luck to you Wendi, whatever you're up to.
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