Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Blogger Graeme's meeting with a Corrie icon

(This post was originally posted by Graeme N on the Coronation Street Blog in November 2013.)

I admit it freely, I was chuffed to little mint balls to be going back to Manchester, home to Granada Studios and the wonderful Coronation Street.

I journeyed north for a face off with a group of experienced journalists well versed in media press conferences. As with all these things, I worried my lack of experience would show. However I needn't have as the event was thankfully dominated by the truly wonderful, warm and naturally funny Julie Hesmondhalgh.

Julie is very much the lady of the hour, and probably the year, as the terminally ill Hayley Cropper. Over the past fifteen years, we've all taken Hayley to our hearts. The character and actress really have demonstrated what is best about Coronation Street. For me, Hayley is right up there with the legends of Annie, Hilda, Elsie and the rest. Meeting the actress behind the character on what turned out to be her last day on set was an absolute privilege and something I'm likely to boast about for a long time to come.

The press conference dealt with many aspects of Hayley's final episodes, which for the moment we can't really talk about. I for one am quite glad as writing about it really does bring the end closer, something I'm sure none of us want.

I did struggle to get in any questions during the initial barage from all the journalists, however at the end, as everyone filed out, I plucked up the courage to approach Julie and tell her how much I had enjoyed watching Hayley over the years, and how great it was to meet her before she left Corrie. I'm so glad I did this as she was absolutely lovely to me and it really made my day.

Both Julie and her husband Ian Kershaw know the Coronation Street Blog, and Julie said how important blogs written by fans are for the continued success of the show.

Leaving Granada on Monday really did bring a tear to the eye. Before too much longer, not only will Coronation Street be saying goodbye to these legendary studios, home to so many wonderful memories, but also to an actress who really has typified what is best about Coronation Street in recent times.

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1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I will miss her on Corrie. I'm hoping Sylvia comes back soon and am interested to see how/if her and Roy interact in the time following Hayley's death.

On a side note, Julie knows the Blog! Woohoo! LOL!

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