Monday, 15 October 2012

Corrie war between Michelle and Tracy

(This post was originally posted by Flaming Nora on the Coronation Street Blog September 2012, reposted to this blog with permission.)
Finally, finally, I'm starting to have empathy with Michelle Connor on Coronation Street. Of course, it's because she's taken against Tracy (haven't we all?) and therefore Michelle is fighting Tracy for us so we don't have to get off our sofas and do it ourselves. And besides which, we're real people and Tracy's in the telly.

In the war between Michelle and Tracy, Michelle's become the back street voice of reason when it comes to looking after Ryan and trying to get him out of toxic Tracy's talons. But will anyone listen to Michelle?

Ryan's only gone and moved in at Sally's because Tracy didn't want him living with her at the Barlow's, although Ryan's too thick to notice Tracy didn't want him there. And he still doesn't realise that Tracy's only snogging him on the soft furnishings to wind up Steve.

Anyway, I'm loving this storyline and am fully on Michelle's side.  A tweet I read this week from @Amanda13Jane also suggested the Michelle and Ryan mother and son dynamic was reminiscent of Elsie and Dennis Tanner back in the day.

With thanks to @fatbrenda on twitter for tweeting this wonderful pic of Michelle in her rollers from the Corrie salon catfight this week.

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