Wednesday 14 October 2015

#CorrieLive - What did you think of it?

It's been months in the planning and it happened over the last two nights airing in Canada. Of course it wasn't "live" for us, but it was when it aired in the UK on September 23 and was a big event.

It's now all over - so what did you make of it all?

Who gave the best performances, in your opinion? Was anything better than you expected and were there any storyline shocks along the way you weren't expecting?

Let us know what you thought of Coronation Street's live episode #Corrielive by leaving your comments below.

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Anonymous said...

While I enjoyed the "live" broadcast, (3 weeks later in Canada) I thought all the build-up and hype spoiled any element of surprise for the viewers. The pulling-off of the live show is more of a thrill/adrenalin rush accomplishment for the cast and crew. For the viewers it's not as special as ITV would have us all believe. The biggest problem is that with all that effort expended by writers, crew, and cast they exhausted themselves so that the next day's show, which we just saw last night, was decidedly anti-climactic. I found myself saying "Aw c'mon" in exasperation several times, at the silly, implausible situations and the over-the-top lines actors were made to deliver. I hope we can settle back to normal soon, with less "drama" and more everyday good writing and performance.

Anonymous said...

Anon, I agree. In particular when Kylie and David were in the kitchen with Max and we hear a scream from Gail. The idiotic woman was screaming about seeing a spider for heaven's sake. Then we had all the drama with hung over Anna serving food with her hair hanging in her eyes again. Then we had Sarah who wanted to be "left alone" sitting on a bench in the middle of the street. If she wanted to be left alone why on earth was she sitting on a bench were everyone passes by.

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