Thursday 15 September 2011

50 Years Of Corrie In 50 Days – 2009

(This post was originally posted by Sunny Jim on the Coronation Street Blog in December 2010, reposted to this blog with permission.)

Day 49 of our 50 day countdown of Coronation Street - written by blogger Sunny Jim.
The portents were not good for the wedding of Becky Granger and Steve McDonald: he’d been married three times before and the day they’d chosen was Friday the thirteenth. So there was little surprise when it all went horribly wrong. The day started with Becky toasting herself over breakfast with brandy and champagne. Blanche Hunt sent over a celebratory bottle of Thunderclap cider for the bride-to-be and once at Audrey’s salon, Natasha helped calm Becky’s nerves with whisky. With her hair and make-up sorted and wearing a bright pink wedding dress that Hayley had made for her, the next stop was the builder’s yard to share a can or two with her ex, Jason Grimshaw. By now she was not only inebriated but very late and Steve was at the register office trying to placate the registrar. Roy and Hayley managed to get Becky there but she was in such a state that registrar refused to marry them

A new date was set but this time when Becky turned up at the register office she was stone cold sober and the whole McDonald clan were there to welcome her to the family. The ceremony went without a hitch and the couple were wed, unfortunately things were about to takle a nasty turn at the reception. Detective Hooch had it in for Becky as he blamed her for his lack of progress within the force so he’d got her ex, Slug, to plant some drugs in her handbag. The police raided the Rovers, found the drugs and Becky was arrested, spending her first night of marriage in a police cell. Steve managed to extract the truth from Slug and threatened to expose the bent copper. Under pressure he eventually agreed to lose the evidence so that the trial was cancelled and Becky was a free woman.

Also in 2009: Molly Compton marries Tyrone Dobbs; Fiz Brown and John Stape marry in prison; Maria Connor gives birth on Southport beach; Eileen’s father, Colin, turns up; Colin Grimshaw is exposed as Julie Carp’s father; Ken has an affair with Martha Fraser; Norris’s long lost brother Ramsay arrives from Australia; Kevin Webster starts an affair with Molly Dobbs; Sally Webster gets cancer; Ramsay Clegg dies; Rita sells the Kabin to Norris; Colin Grimshaw dies; Rovers Amateur Dramatic Association revived.

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