Thursday, 6 September 2012

Surrogacy Storyline on Corrie - Will Katy Do It?

I felt bad for Izzy who got pregnant by accident. She never thought she'd be able to get pregnant let alone carry a baby, not with her medical condition and had resolved herself to the fact. Then it happend. She was scared and excited and when Gary was excited, too, she was over the moon. Then tragedy.

Gary is now hell-bent on having a child. Once the idea got in his head there was no shifting it and Gary can be very single-minded. Enter Katy, Izzy's 17 year old sister who's already had one baby and come through with flying colours. She's offered to be a surrogate and carry a baby for Izzy. Gary is thrilled, Izzy was a bit less so. Hopeful but nervous but has come around to the idea. Katy is excited and wants to do this for her sister but Chesney isn't so sure he's keen.

And Daddy Owen is losing his mind. He forbids it, he thinks they're in "cloud cuckoo land", he's stomping and yelling and threatening and nothing he does or says is changing anyone's mind though he did get Chesney on board and slyly had him won over for awhile. Chesney is now supporting Katy but down deep, I'm sure he's still against the whole thing.
Owen, of course, can't really do anything about it because Katy, once she turns 18, is a legal adult and it's out of his hands. He has had a hard time accepting that his daughters are grown and independent. He tends to be a bully. He's manipulative. He is used to having things his way and he can't anymore.

But on this one? I can see where he's coming from.

He's raised one daughter with a disability. He worries about her, naturally. Motherhood is not easy, whether you carry the baby or not but loads of disabled people are very good parents. His other daughter is barely out of childhood and even if she's got a baby of her own, she's still immature, if kind and generous. As a middle aged grownup, you can see this. To Owen, it's a hair brained scheme and Owen, with his impatience, control issues and bullying tactics, is going to be wading into this like an elephant in a china shop.

He's entitled to his opinion and he's entitled to air it. But he's going about it all the wrong way but for the right reasons. He worries. Have I said this before? He loves his girls even if it doesn't really show it in a way they can understand all the time.

I already know where this is heading but I can't spoil it for you. There are more twists to be had. I don't know the ultimate outcome. I don't know if Izzy and Gary will have a baby of their own to raise, by whatever means they can. I do know that there are too many babies on the Street already so I *suspect* it might not come to pass in the long run but time will tell.

What do you think? Do you understand Owen's point of view? Do you think surrogacy is the answer? Will it be successful?

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Anonymous said...

Early on in this story, mention was made of how crazy expensive this procedure is; the doctor mentioned 7000 pounds per try. They really are in cloud cuckoo land, no one talks about where they're going to get this money!!! Izzy is a seamstress, and Gary is a general labourer working for Owen. Do they think Owen is going to pay? Did I miss something?
Anyway, I agree with Owen's opinion, disagree with his methods. Katy is kind-hearted, but misguided. Nine months is a long time, feelings can change drastically, Katy will develop a bond with this child that will surprise her. Chesney is not solidly behind this, that could be a problem. These are just a few of the problems I can see.
p.s. it's "surrogacy"!

Tvor said...

Whoops, typo, thanks!
I would expect that yes, Owen will be the financier but if it doesn't "take" the first time, and it often doesn't, is he going to be paying 7000 every time? It doesn't grow on trees. That's another way the storyline could end. Maybe he can only afford one shot.

barbee said...

I agree with Owen as well, but I sure don't like his way of letting his opinion be known. Anna was spot on when she said ~ what they see is a loud mouthed bully, or something to that effect.
I'd like to see Anna share some of her new-found (compared to her original character) wisdom with the girls. This is playing out way too quickly to make any real sense. However, this IS a soap!

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