We knew it! We said last week that all that Ken drama was going to build up to some kind of whodunnit, and we were proven right. The Phantom Barlow Basher struck, whacking Ken on the head and pushing him down the stairs as he went up to fill the kettle. Was it Adam, the scorned grandson? Tracy, the neglected daughter? Daniel, the grieving son? Someone else? There are so many possible suspects in this, and of course, we weigh in with our own thoughts and theories. After Street Talk, we do a profile of one of Corrie's most iconic characters, before ending the podcast with some lovely listener feedback. This podcast was broadcast on April 1 originally, There may be an April Fool into this episode, too - see if you can spot it!
Remember, you can also listen to Conversation Street on iTunes (leave a fab review if you do!)

Tvor @tvordlj on Twitter
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