Saturday, 24 September 2016

Everybody out! When Coronation Street goes on strike

(This post was originally posted by Flaming Nora on the Coronation Street Blog September 2016, reposted to this blog with permission.)

The factory workers revolted recently in Coronation Street.  Led by Sally Metcalfe, they walked out on strike after they found out there was a mole in the camp who had grassed them to the boss after their film-watching session.

Mind you, they were soon wooed back in with cakes and a winning smile from Aidan Connor. 

The publicity picture from ITV, above, of the factory workers out on the cobbles, on strike, reminded me very much of the strikes in days gone by at the factory too.

There was always turmoil and trouble at the factory with the girls ganging up on Mike Baldwin, their boss.
Their firebrand leaders were Vera Duckworth, Ivy Tilsley and the indomiatable Ida Clough.

Ida Clough. Ooh, now there's a name to be reckoned with. It'd take more than a smile and a cake to woo her back to work.

More please, Corrie.

Want to see some classic Corrie strike action?  Have a look at this YouTube clip, below:

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