We say goodbye yet again to Terry Duckworth after a tumultuous few days. I gotta say, Terry is awful but a lot of fun to watch. He's predictable and he's a cartoon villain but he always shakes things up! Good fun in small doses.
Tommy's lost his inheritance and truly believed that Terry would pay it back. Terry's never paid anything back in his life! Tina is smart enough to have figured Terry out but gormless Tommy won't until it's too late. Did any of you believe Terry's excuses that he would have opened the club, made something of himself and then gone to finally meet Tommy and show off? No? Me either. I could have sworn that Terry was in with those thugs and they'd have split the money Tommy gave them but it soon became apparent that Terry really did get in deep with a loan shark. How do we know? Because he managed to squeeze a bit more cash out of Tommy who borrowed it from Tyrone and then he legged it, leaving a broken hearted and betrayed son behind to face the thugs on his own. yeah. He's changed. Not.
And look who the loan shark is! Rick, the man that harassed Joe McIntyre to his death!!! I have to say, this is the beginning of a very painfully tedious storyline but the actor that plays Rick is very good! Tina finds out the hard way. First she gets a little roughed up in the club and now Tommy and Terry also know she's got history with Rick. Then after Terry scarpers, Rick comes after Tommy for the money. But what's with this "Terry AND Tommy owe Rick" business? Terry owes. Tommy has no responsibility whatsoever.
Yet again we have to suffer through the idiotic storyline that a relative becomes responsible for the loan with the shark. Tina already went through this once with her father and should know better. JUST GO TO THE POLICE. But will they ‘eck. No storyline in that. Someone give me something sharp to poke in my eye! And on top of that, We have to fast forward through Terry persuading Tommy to torch the club, Tina managing to stop it, and then Terry accidentally injuring Tina, pretending he found her like that. Will she survive? Did anyone think she wouldn't?
Terry used the accident to push Tommy to get the cash from Tyrone and it's Bye Bye Tommy because Tina wakes up, tells Tommy Terry was the one that pushed her over, not Rick and he's got to get outta Dodge before Tommy can get his hands on him (and the money). he doesn't quite made it and Tommy and his puppy dog hurt eyes follow his father out the door and watch while Terry burns rubber leaving Tommy to lie to Tina and say the debt is settled. *sigh*
But between the rest of this storyline and Sunita's sordid affair, I really am despairing of Corrie lately.
Weatherfield is fully in bloom and even Gail Platt is getting into the spirit of it, which puts Norris' nose out of joint. Oh come on, it's just a few flowers in pots! Norris accused Gail of stealing his basket when it was Emily, fed up with hitting her head on it. She didn't want it there in the first place! Sally decides to get on the bandwagon and buys all her flowers and of course Norris is sure that's against the rules. But no, why would it be? It's not a competition to see who can grow the best flowers, it's a decorating display you nasty jealous oik. Now Audrey is persuaded to be one of the judges. She will only do it if she withdraws from judging on Coronation Street. Clearly a conflict in interest and clearly a means for Norris to lose his tiny jealous mind.
And obviously Norris doesn't have enough to keep his petty nature occupied, he has to have a go at Dennis for making Rita pay for the wedding. But look! What a lovely touch when Dennis gives Rita his mother Elsie's engagement ring! Awww!! I love it when there is a little nod to the history like that.
Kirsty is not doing well with all of Tyrone's exes surrounding her, is she? First it was Fiz and now it's Maria. Seems like the concept of staying friends with the former girlfriends is an alien concept to her. She finally accepts the job packing at the factory and it doesn't look like she's going to make any friends there, either.
Wow, even David now acknowledges he was a terror as a "child" (er, that was about 2 or 3 years ago that he went ballistic, smashing up the street, driving his car into canals and nearly killed Graeme? Ok, that wasn't his fault but apparently he's been cured of epilepsy because it's never been mentioned again) He's bereft without Kylie who is still among the missing. He's even going to sign the salon back over to Audrey. Why don't they just own it jointly? She did it so he would have to face huge death taxes after she dies. Would he still have that if he was joint owner?
Anyway poor David is falling apart without his wife and Nick actually takes pity on the lad who usually has no use for his big brother. There must be a bit of love there somewhere, I guess. Deeply hidden most of the time. Gail wants David to get a job, Nick wonders if they should find Kylie instead. God forbid. Gail would do anything to keep that from happening. Nick thinks David should work in the Bistro being polite to customers. In the mood he's in? Yeah that's a good plan. It ended quickly, in about the manner you would expect.
Later, Nick decides he's had enough of Eva's carping and thinks it's a good idea to take David to a lapdancing club in the middle of the day. Where, naturally, he sees Kylie is working!! Oops! Don't let David see!. Nick goes back and finds Kylie to talk her into returning home. All he does is get her fired. She works all night and leaves Max with a friend. But she must work all day and all night because Nick and David first saw her in the middle of the afternoon. Anyway, Nick is putting her up in a hotel for the night and staying to make sure she doesn't run off, because she obviously can't go stay at the mate's where Max is, right? Stupid. Contrived. Having said that, I don't really mind this whole storyline from the War of the Salon forward. It's all be good classic stuff. And Eva knows Nick's not home so her suspicions are triggered.
Dev is taking Aadi on a golf week and apparently Sunita persuaded him to take Asha as well. So that's two holidays the children have had in a month. This is May in the UK, do they not have school at least some of this time? And what's poor Asha going to be doing, caddying for her bratty brother? Sunita managed to get rid of both kids because, surprise surprise, she wants to have an easy way to be able to spend time with Karl. In her and Dev's bed and later, in the still-fully furnished empty flat over the shop. Nice.
Except do you get the feeling that Sunita is more enamoured with Karl than he is with her? He was reluctant to meet up with her until he has another encounter with Stella treating him like a child. He seems to be taking it as a casual fling, a true "bit on the side" where she seems to be in full crush. This won't end well, mark my words. It really is tawdry and cheap and sordid, watching them leer, and grope and pant over each other under Dev and Stella's clueless noses.
Paul and Eileen were going on holiday too except Lesley managed to get out of a secure facility and Paul had to go get her. She'd fetched up at their house in a moment of clarity. To be fair, he's right to be upset with the facility. You can't take your eye off the ball when you have dementia patients. If that was the US, he'd be suing them for every penny he could get. But instead, he brings Lesley back home to Number 11. And when Eileen has finally had enough and throws them out, only THEN does he go back to the care home, suck up, get them to take Lesley back and decide to divorce her.Too little too late. First Paul gets frustrated and hurts her accidentally and then Eileen staggers out of the house after Leslie bloodied her nose and Lesley manages to electrocute herself and dies on Eileen's kitchen floor!!! You really can't blame Eileen, she'd been battered and bloodied and was an emotional wreck herself but of course she's blaming herself for leaving Lesley alone.
and urggggghhh why WHY does Stella have to be shoved into this storyline as well as every other storyline!!??? Eileen has better friends than her on the Street to take her in and comfort her.
She reckons Paul never would have left Lesley alone but don't forget he got frustrated too and did exactly that rather than thump her a few weeks ago and that's when she wandered off with Amy. I wish someone had reminded Eileen of that incident. Instead, Paul takes all his guilt out on Eileen too. All along he's never made any secret that he loves Lesley. Why Eileen would ever have settled for second best... but then, that's what Eileen always does unfortunately. Jason threatened Paul. It gladdens my heart to see him defend his mum. It's too bad he didn't borrow Rick's thugs and have Paul taken down the ginnel and given a bruise or two to match the ones Lesley gave Eileen. She finally told Paul to go and grieve on his own because she's had enough. She feels guilty enough as it is and he's making it worse and he's treating her like dirt and as i said, I'm sure he's just taking out his guilt on her but he's being a right nasty sod.
Poor Julie is not going to be able to have any children. What a shame, really. She'd have been a top mother. Brian, usually an unctuous prat, is supportive and though upset himself, doesn't let her see it. Good on him! He's a bit of a plonker at times but he does love her. I love this couple! Karl is still gambling and Sunita is still lending him cash. Nick is really chafing at Eva's clinginess. Tommy begged for his job back at the garage and then couldn't be arsed to go in the next day. Oh he'll do a few hours later. Right. How's that working for you? Maria has met a new guy who's well versed in computer repair.
Beth takes exception to Kirsty and thinks she's being insulted. Well she'd just finished slagging off cops and Kirsty so what did she expect? It always makes me shake my head when someone like Tina is gravely injured yet nobody mentions her mother. Even if they don't want to cast someone for a bit part, they can at least mention her. What if Tina had needed surgery? Someone has to sign the permission forms if Tina can't do it herself. Tommy isn't married to her so he's not her legal next of kin.
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I think, for the golf weekend, Sunita mentioned that Asha was having a sleepover with a friend. But even so, the whole Sunita/Karl affair is truly cringeworthy.
And I also don't see the reason for inserting Stella into every story. I rather liked her when she first joined Corrie, but now I would like to see her fade into the background a bit.
It was sweet that Dennis gave Rita Elsie's ring - but why did he wait so long? Why didn't he give it to her when they became engaged? Why did it take Norris's snarky comments to push him into it? Why was he keeping it hidden??
It is also rather unbelievable to think that a homeless man wouldn't have pawned it at some point.
I can't wait for Karl and Sunita to be found. A storyline I really can't stomach.
There is one question that's been on my mind for years and years. Why do people bring grapes when visiting someone in hospital?
Grapes... i don't know, unless they're meant to be easy to digest?
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