Sunday 22 April 2007

Corrie in Canada, Sunday Comments

Lines of the Week

  • Jason about Sarah "She'll come round"
  • Craig to Charlie "She's just a dirty little tart and you're just a thieving scumbag!" (truth hurts doesn't it charlie?)
  • Fred "You do realise it would be a lot easier to say goodbye to your family if they all had names"
  • Charlie to Jason about Sarah "You know all women grow to look like their mothers" (Charlie better be worried, too if that's the case!)
  • Cilla about Norris "He's one of them neighbours from hell you hear about" (*snork*)

Really good writing in today's omni, didn't you think? Claire seems to be a bit over the top with the nest-making, house cleaning, wedding planning and entertaining and her with a brand new baby, cute little Anon Y. Mouse. So Maria is going to move into Charlie's flat? For all she was moaning about moving up in the world, she didn't go far. I thought Fiz couldn't afford hers on her own, what's she going to do? Les offered drinks in the "ice bucket" old toilet! You gotta love Les and Cilla torturing Norris!

Danny's clearly a lot more worried about the will than he lets on and desperation means more money for Leanne. He knows Leanne is out for blood money this time. Breaking into Janice's flat wasn't going to get him anywhere, he should have known that. They'll have had the will in a safe deposit box, or even better, hidden under the pile of rubbish in Les's flat. Nobody would ever find it there, not even Les! Wait.... a gossip magazine? *That's* where she stashed it and he didn't find it when he was tossing everything around the flat? Doesn't matter, though, Danny threw it all away, thinking Frankie would have him back and she doesn't want to. Stay Strong, Frankie! Danny's got some nerve accusing Leanne of destroying his family!!! I think he had quite a lot to do with that himself. Chasing skirt was his habit of a lifetime and chasing his son's fiancee was the straw that broke the back of his lifestyle and marraige. The last laugh was Leanne's even if she was in tears as she left. Adam has the will!

As i let slip last week, Craig is back and was trying to hide in his old house. A stupid move, really, since he knows Charlie bought it. You'd think Charlie would have changed the locks though. He'd be that spiteful. Love never did run smooth and Craig is back and waiting for Rosie. Sleeping rough too, from the look of it. Isn't Roy a star? Wanna bet Craig ends up under Hayley and Roy's wing? Stupid boy, sure he's worried about his grandfather's health so why did he run off without a word and worry the man more? They did have him looking suitably grungy with dirty hair, though.

The pre-teens were being pranksters this week using Sally's mobile phone to make crank calls. Looks like Chesney and Sophie have their first crush only it's not on each other. That wasn't hard to figure out, now was it? Jason seems to be making a career out of grovelling to Sarah. Is it because the writers can't think of anything else to do with the pair of them? He thinks ignoring her might make her come running. Actually, didn't that work one of the other times? Except turning around and asking her if she's noticed he's gone yet isn't really the way to ignore someone. Pratt. Why do i bother? She wasn't that hard to persuade in the end though, a 2 week confirmed wedding date. Yes Gail and Eileen are going to love that.

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