Beth is determined to keep Craig away from the questioning adults. Nobody can figure out why Karl went ballistic over the kids. It's giving Stella second thoughts and it's convincing Dev. Jason's determined to prove it but they can't figure out where Craig comes into it without talking to him. Jason made a mistake telling Tommy and Tyrone about wondering where Karl was the night of the fire and now Karl knows. More pressure. You can tell what time the photos were taken if you put them on the computer and maybe even a "properties" setting right on the phone.
Dev finally got a little face time with Craig, but not enough and Karl saw. The wedding day dawns and Karl is in a panic, packing for Spain and his getaway. He's on edge, nervy and snapping at everyone. Karl raked Craig over the coals but Craig seemed to satisfy him and his questions and Karl is getting really scary, threatening his mother's life. He probably wouldn't but Craig doesn't know that. Thing is, his mother has had enough and dragged him to Dev's and finally, it all spilled out. He confessed to the fire. Dev looked like he was punched in the gut but they unraveled it all and the timing was right for his sighting of Karl as well, and he saw Karl with the keys.
I can't imagine how we're going to get to "tomorrow" when the wedding isn't for a couple of episodes yet. Sad little hen night, your mother and your daughters. But then Stella really never made proper friends. All the hens are hungover, too but they'll be ok. Jason tried a last ditch effort to talk Stella out of it. Stella looked kinda nice, but she had a lot more hair on her head than she really has. A piece, i expect. And having a ride to the reception in a convertible, well I hope she's got a helmet's worth of hairspray and an armoury of hairpins of that's going to be off her head and floating in the canal.
The race is on, can Dev stop the wedding? Jason's on the way to the police with Craig, Dev is zooming to the registry office. It obviously isn't very far away because Dev got there in record time. The registrar declared them husband and wife and presumably, they signed the papers. It's a done deal. So why didn't Dev say anything?! Was that a Judas "kiss" when he hugged Karl?
It took far too long at the police station to get someone to take statements while Dev stalked around the edges of the party observing and waiting. Poor Beth feels terrible and her hackles are up now. I don't think Dev should have warned Karl but he did. Why didn't Jason text Dev to get the name of the detective right from the start? Come to that, Dev should have told them when they left the shop. Loved Dev creeping up silently behind Karl and cornering him in the pub.
Jimmi Harkishin played it spot on. He laid it all out, Karl knew he couldn't hide and he confessed. There were no excuses that made any difference. Trash talking about Sunita was a big mistake. Why did he think Dev would take that lying down? Dev was going to out Karl to Stella so he can feel what it's like to lose what he loves but Dev ended up bleeding on the pub floor instead. Oh i loved it that Stella caught Karl trying to leg it with the cash.He lost his rag when she tried to help Dev while we waited on tenterhooks for the police to untangle all the infernal red tape. She threw his ring away, annullment in the offing while he fought with her.
Couldn't you tell how creeped out she was when she tried to placate him, stalling, and keeping him calm while he was holding her and stroking her. Making him think she was on his side, biding time until help comes. She went a bit too far and he could see through her. Dev came to and dialed his phone... to Jason, who saved the day, just before Karl had a chance to flame up the pub again. Karl dragged Stella back into the cellar, back to the scene of the crime. If i was her, i'd be chucking bottles at him like a mad thing.
Come out! you're surrounded! For heaven's sake, he's not armed! Just go get him! Exciting stuff!
Frantic to remove all trace of Karl and his fingerprints, Stella is blaming herself as you do. Dev is going through all the grief all over again. Craig is a gibbering wreck. Everyone else is feeling steeped in guilt and as usual, someone always thinks Stella must have known what Karl was up to. Fiz knows how men can fool you, that's for sure.
Jason is kind to Eva who is worried. He was also a good friend to Dev, bringing the whiskey to him to cheer him up. Dev acknowledged Jason's responsibility in catching Karl. Karl's actions really shocked Jason to the core, too.
Hayley's home and back in her nest and nobody really knows how to talk to her, walking on eggshells. She is determined to go-go-go but her body is going to tell her otherwise, I think, at least at times. Roy is waiting on Hayley hand and foot. Roy behind the wheel of a car. Frightening thought isn't it? He'd certainly have the road rules memorized, that won't be a problem.
Oh Sally, can't you tell he's not that into you? Committment isn't his middle name. The lads all added to Tim's reluctance, warning him that Sally's out to tie him down. Nice to see Tyrone standing up for her so he said he'd go to the reception after all except he blew her off anyway, bottled it. Jenna was sympathetic. Sally can't face the girls in the factory because Tim stood her up. Sophie pointed out that Tim's a loser. He does seem to be inclined that way but then Sally just made more of the relationship than he was in it for and she couldn't see it.
Audrey is in residence. I think the busy house, kid and dog are going to wear on her quickly. Audrey didn't like the dog licking her in the night. Close the door! I wondered what Marcus was going to make "special" for Audrey's tea after that remark about the dog and it's owners.
Faye has a new mate called Grace. She is on the phone with her constantly. Don't blame Anna for putting the kibosh on a sleepover on a schoolnight. Except she wasn't the sweet little thing she pretended to be.
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