Monday, 4 September 2017

3 Corrie Storylines We Want to Happen Right Now

(This post was originally posted by Flaming Nora on the Coronation Street Blog August 2017, reposted to this blog with permission.)

What three Coronation Street storylines would you like to happen right now? I mean, right this minute so that the next time you turned Corrie on to watch on your TV, they were happening as you sat down and watched?

Mine would be as follows:

1. Spider Nugent returns with the sad news that Aunty Em has passed away. This will give us Corrie fans a chance to mourn the passing of Emily and say a proper, decent farewell to actress Eileen Derbyshire, who I doubt very much we'll ever see again on TV.  It's one thing pretending Emily's all well and happy living in Peru but I'd much rather give her a proper send off, get a bottle of stout in and cry my eyes out when Spider comes home with the sad news.   Oh, and while he's back, he gets Toyah pregnant. She realises she doesn't love Peter and never has. She and Spider move into Emily's house with their new baby and Toyah's hippy clothes. Norris and Sean are forced to move out and buy a flat together in Victoria Court.

2. Carla Connor returns and kicks some butt. She and Eva team up at Underworld, running the place as a team, a force to be reckoned with. They kick out Johnny and Aidan who set themselves up in competition, which the Underworld women will win, of course.

3. Gail and Eileen will finally stop fighting, realise they're meant to be together and live happily ever after.

What would YOUR three, current, fantasy storylines be?

Tvor @tvordlj on Twitter

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