Friday 4 May 2007

Corrie in Canada, April 29

Lines of the week:
  • Danny "It's not about how many times you get knocked down Lippy, it's how many times you get up" And Danny always gets back up!
  • Betty to Rita "Were we ever that young and stupid?" Rita "That's why they call it madly in love" Betty "I was talking about Gail and Eileen sat there like a couple of sulking kids!"
  • Gail "At least i've *been* married" (um. 4 times!)
  • Tracy "That's the thing about being a mother. Always have to put yourself last." (and you would know that, how?)
  • Dev "treat 'em mean to keep 'em keen!" (yes, and that's why you're getting a divorce and have a litter of other children scattered about Greater Manchester)

So Adam now has a photocopy of the Spanish Will which nobody expected (sorry, weak Monty Python reference). What *was* expected was Adam ready to jump down Danny's throat without even finding out if the will is legal and enforceable. Thing is, Mike was officially diagnosed with Alzheimer's even if it wasn't until after he came back from Spain (i checked). Surely that alone was worth a solicitor contesting the will Danny had Mike sign. Danny even questioned Mike's state of mind when he was in Spain, but that was only a week after the previous will was signed! And as much as i think what Danny did was wrong? Wishing that smug prat Adam would get his smirk smacked off his face would be soooo worth having Danny win in the end. I suppose Danny will have to settle out of course to come out of it with anything at all, not even the wisp of a hope of getting Frankie back if she finds out he knew about the Spanish will before the other one was read. Frankie's really giving him mixed signals though. The storyline is a good one but the problem is we're going to have to suffer the slings and arrows of excruciatingly bad acting from the youngest Baldwin who is going to be winding Danny up at every turn. Do you think Adam will take the 10% cash payoff? It doesn't sound like a lot considering Adam would have inherited controlling interest.

While the cat's away, the Charlie Mouse is going to play. There's some serious flirting going on between he and Maria and the only surprise is why did it take him so long? Having Maria move into his flat seems a bit like the spider inviting the fly into his web! Craig has his old job back. Now if he can just find a regular shower seeing as he's squatting in the bakery. Somehow i don't think Sophie is going to turn into an axe murderer because she was watching a horror film.

Sarah said yes! No surprise there. Let's see if they can throw a wedding together in two weeks. Wonder if they'll go through with it if the mothers aren't there like they say and they're determined not to cave. The mothers are going to look like bitter old hags when everyone else rallies round to help the young couple have a nice wedding day, even Audrey financing their deposit on the flat! Sarah sure put a flea in the collective ears of Eileen and Gail for objecting when everyone was helping them.

Do i detect a bit of jealousy between Bev and Audrey? So Claire is going to just paint over the wallpaper? Is that legal? I'm amazed at the energy Claire has post-birth. You'd think she would just want to sit and cuddle the baby, it being her first one, rather than leave him with all and sundry. And doesn't she work fast? My heavens the walls are all painted and she was only testing out colours that morning. Rosie's back and Craig's happy! You wouldn't be surprised to know all Rosie wants to do is tell Craig all about it. Her family comes a distant second. That's what it's like when you're 15. Looks like she's given up the ghost of the Goff, and it sounds like she's all enthralled in the afterglow of her trip and new friends. Craig is going to be feeling left out. Sally could get her wish yet.

Ohmy Goodness, Fred wants to sell up and retire! I think Sophie is back to acting out now that Rosie has returned and Sally has all her attentions on the older daughter. Poor Sally, first she had the unsuitable Craig after Rosie and now the unsuitable Chesney has been banned from being friends with Sophie and poor old Chesney keeps getting the short end of the stick from Sally.

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