Tuesday 4 October 2011

Who Would Win a Corrie Smackdown?

Tracy's back and she's out to cause trouble. She wants Amy back and is going to do anything she can to make that happen and that means she's going to come up against Becky to do it.

Becky is caught in the middle between Amy's parents but is pretty fierce when she wants to be. In coming months, there's going to be more than one confrontation between Becky and Tracy, I can feel it in me water! After musing about it here, I'm still not sure who would win the final smackdown between these two women! Guesses?


Little Red Hen said...

I watched Tracy's return last night and I was fed up with her by Christmas morning. Ruining Amy's Glee outfit like that! She deserves any smacks or hair-pulling (go Gail) she gets.

Tvor said...

I know! I think of all the things she's done since she returned, doing that to Amy was the worst, the second worst being how she's been slagging off Ashley to Claire.

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