Smug Git award: Could Sunita have been any smugger to Karl?
Short memory award: Karl reckons their relationship was good up until he screwed up. It was pretty rocky, the little we saw.
Her own worst enemy award: Eileen's jealousy is always her downfall with fellas.
All Girls together: Julie and Eileen have a special handshake!
Hypocrite award: Bacon star: Julie criticized Brian for having a bacon barm while espousing a healthy lifestyle (cycling) and then ordered one herself!
Pushing the envelope award: Stella told Karl in no uncertain terms. Hours later he's back on her doorstep trying to wheedle in. Passive Aggressive, much?
Inconspicuous award: I love Julie. I really do.
Continuity fluff up: Where did Karl get a car? He lost his job at Streetcars and he's skint. Did he always have it? Why was he sleeping outside and rough a few weeks back if he had a car?
Musical ambiance: Here Comes the Rain Again, background to Paul's proposal to Eileen in the pub. Sounds like trouble, if you ask me.
Continuity Carelessness: Gail came out of a long shower with dry hair sticking out of her head towel.
Monday Moan award: Everyone! Gail's moaning to Sally and Sally and Sophie are having a moan about Gail. Jason's moaning about losing his contract. Katy and Chesney are moaning about each other. Peter's moaning about Leanne. Sunita even had a moan about her regrets. About the only one happy is Eileen with her ring.
The Grass Isn't Greener on the Other Side: Sunita's realizing how badly she got it wrong.
Lines of the week:
Karl "Why is everyone so obsessed with moving on?"
Alison to Kirsty "You need to start telling the truth" (I think Alison is going to be Tyrone's saviour)
Stella to Karl "From the minute you drop me off tonight, I am dead to you" (Phrase of Doom, anyone?)
Steve and Lloyd: "Sacked, Sacked, Sacked!!!!"
Julie "I'm Julie, her sister." Eileen "Not any more."
Stella to Jason "Do you have to tackle everything like a sulkly schoolboy?" (Eh? you sound awfully sympathetic to a man you want nothing to do with all of a sudden)
Sunita to Karl "The one thing you were always good at, self pity"
Paul to Eileen "What do I tell them? That you're clinically insane?"
Paul "I thought our relationship was based on honesty" (like when you were in love with her while married to Lesley? Yeah, that was honest. Cheating, but honest)
Stella "I can handle Karl. I *am* handling Karl" (not very well)
Gloria "Is he bringing his Lego?"
Peter "Leanne can barely say hello to me and when she does it sounds more like 'I hate you, you adulterer'" (and whose fault is that?) Aadi "What's an adulterer?" (You know, like your mother!)
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