Sunday, 6 October 2013

Sunday Comments - October 6

Stella's reaction is entirely understandable but she's driving herself to a frazzle. Jason tried to make her see that beating herself up is not helping. Stella tried to go back to work and made up for the stress with sarcasm and vodka.  She had to face Dev anyway because he came to the pub and he's probably the only one that *could* talk some sense into her. Knowing he didn't blame her, knowing he forgives her in a matter of speaking, that's what she needed to hear but it might have been more believable if, during all this weeping and wailing, she'd actually had real tears in her eyes.

Lots of people apologized to Dev but Gloria's felt like the most heartfelt and it was a long time coming. Nobody blames Stella, she just can't stop blaming herself and on top of that, her dreams are shattered. But why, after getting rid of everything Karl breathed on, did she keep the flower from his buttonhole, and later, still have photos to slice up? Those would have gone on the first day! I can't blame her for feeling creeped out in the pub but everyone keeps trying to tell her to buck up and carry on. She needs a bit of time! I'd say go on a holiday, but not Spain (honeymoon). She should talk to Fiz or Carla, really, who have both been through something similar.

She's no Bet Lynch is she? Bet would have put that toothy smile on and faced the punters, not staggering around, knocking back the booze or hiding away. Gloria did talk sense. Comparing Stella to Hayley, Stella certainly comes up wanting even if she's got good reason to have had her feet knocked out from under her. And she's got no friends. I don't see the likes of Deirdre or Eileen going round with a bottle of red and chocolate, do you?

Difficult for Dev, now, having to deal with all the grief all over again. He's good with Stella who keeps trying to run away from the memories. Stella seems to be coming out of it. At least she's getting interested in things again, including changing the wallpaper that's only a few months old. Getting a new bed, too, though I would have just swopped with Gloria. I am so dreading a possible pairing between Dev and Stella. I can see it coming like red flashing lights and a klaxon horn, even if it's a swift fling.

Hayley tried to do too much which is giving Roy fuel for the rules. It's difficult for the two of them to find a new normal to get through this, whatever is going to help Hayley...but who's going to help Roy? Hayley does have to realize she did have major surgery even if it didn't have the results she wanted. It takes awhile before you're up and ready to troop around. Roy's driving lesson didn't go well. Roy obeyed the rules, but the instructor told her he was driving too slow!

Hayley is soul searching in the night after a nightmare about her former self. It did sound unsettling. She doesn't regret taking the path she took but she does regret how things worked out with her son, Christian. She wants to see him but you know how Roy's going to react to that. He's very protective and I don't blame him going by what happened before. That's exactly how a good husband would react but you can see her point of view, too.  Even Fiz agrees with Roy but she's pushing him to let Hayley do what she wants anyway.

A voice message left for Christian. What's going to happen? He hasn't returned the call. In the meantime, it's Roy's 59th birthday and a bit bittersweet, when they know it will be their last one together. Oh. Roy made me cry again, with his reminiscences of his childhood parties and his continual devotion to Hayley, his fears and his attempts at support, really having difficulty coming to terms with it but trying just the same. Karaoke went over like a lead balloon. What are the odds Madam Butterfly is even in the playlist? They finally managed to get one group up singing something that didn't seem to have any tune at all. The party gave us some more golden Roy and Hayley scenes, though. My heart broke for Roy watching Hayley sing.

Roy's making puns to alleviate stress. It's not alleviating his driving lessons. Roy's still arguing with the driving instructor and got chucked out of the student roster. Hayley's going to wear out that phone checking it all the time. Figures it would ring in the middle of a snog. So answer it!

Tim sent cheap flowers to make up and Sally was placated and she still let him off the hook. She should have said, yes, you mucked me around. As long as she lets him get away with bad behaviour, he'll continue doing it. Sophie's right, Sally really is acting desperate but she's pretending to Tim that she's only in for a casual thing, and isn't possessive and needy. She is. Both of those things. It's time Sophie backs off and shuts the heck up. She's said her piece, no sense nagging Sally here on in. Oh Sophie. Shut up.

Tim says one word about a weekend break, and Sally's all over him like a dirty shirt again. Sally's setting up for a romantic weekend in Paris when Tim just thought they could nip up the road to Blackpool! He doesn't know Sally at all, does he? He looked horrified at the idea of Paris! Now he's trying to get Jason to lie for him so he doesn't have to go or face her tears by telling her the truth.

Jason keeps making digs at Tim about Sally's intentions. Tim is making digs at Jason about Eva giving him the eye and there's definitely an attraction there. They're far more suitable together than Jason and Stella were. Meanwhile, Eva *so* fancies Jason and it looks like it's mutual. Yep, snogging at midnight. Eva did indeed cop off and she and Jason quickly got busted by Eileen and Sean who took great delight in ribbing them. If it wasn't for the Stella factor, I'd say Jason and Eva suit each other quite well. Eva's really feeling guilty, worrying about what her mother's going to say. Sean was being a good friend to Eva. Gloria knew what Jason was up to and didn't like it one bit. Never mind. Stella caught them snogging.

Ryan's copped off too, with a dim little 'annah with an Haitch. Why shouldn't Ryan bring his girls home. Michelle didn't seem to have a problem with Tracy or Katy moving in without notice. Well yes, she did, but it's more because Ryan seems to be slothing around and getting on his mother's nerves and bank account. How come he now only works a couple of shifts a week at the kebab shop? He was hired as the only one that worked there at that time.

Aw what a nice throw back to the past, the lost pigeon in the garage and Tyrone thinking about Jack. Nice that Mary had some nice things to say about the bird. Nice little scene, that. Loved the reminscing about Jack and Vera. Tyrone had just as much found a real home with them as Fiz did with Roy and Hayley. Great mimicking of Jack too! Nice that Fiz is finally moving in with Tyrone and being a proper family. They're lovely all together. I suppose Ches will move into the larger room, assuming Fiz had possession of it for her and Hope. Now Joseph can have his own room because I'm pretty sure that there is only two bedrooms in Number 5. I don't suppose Fiz has a lot to move in, mostly clothes and small stuff and Hope's toys.

They've actually been changing Mary back to the person she  used to be, quirky but with a good heart. She was good this week, with Dev, the inappropriate Mexican death comments at the part, and a cute little quickie with Hayley and the silk shirt that made me chuckle.  She's right, the children do need to know that their mother was vindicated. Should they know she was murdered? She was, whether it had been in the fire or not because Karl did leave her there to die and only killed her because she was coming round.

David is now officially Max's dad. I'm surprised it went through so quickly. Wouldn't there be more involved? Gail's finding the stress piling up and even Audrey is worried sick though hides it most of the time.

Carla is doing the managing and Michelle is ticked off that she isn't consulted. She's getting more and more cranky. Would she have been that angry if Carla had done the client changes without involving Peter? Michelle gets narked that Carla or Peter aren't telling her stuff so she's getting back at them by not telling them stuff either. She could make things so much easier if she could make the communication smoother.

Why is Gail still wearing Joe's wedding rings? Stella bought a new top. Beige. I gotta say, at least Eva, bubble headed though she can be, at least has a few more clues than Rosie Webster!

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