Monday, 29 February 2016

Corrie Canada weekly awards for Feb 22 - 26

The EveryWoman! "Been there. Done that" A tshirt slogan for Tim and Kevin. Priceless!

Health and Safety award: Maybe Izzy can un-dislocate her hip but surely, to cover workplace insurance, an ambulance should be called to check her over anyway? Or at least, a visit to the doctor.

Medical fail: Why didn't Beth go to the doctor for a shot or take some allergy pills? She'd have suffered a lot less. Is it really wise for Izzy to be drinking wine and taking heavy pain killers?

Arrest fail: I'm surprised they sent two police officers and nobody from Social Services (or Child Protection Services, whatever they're called this week) to question Simon. More shocked that they man-handled a child into the car. And neither was the Social involved in the interview. He might have had his grandfather there, but shouldn't Social Services have been involved as well? It was all very ham-fisted and poorly handled, I think.

Salon fail (are we spotting a pattern here?): No patch test before trying a different dye. 1. David didn't realize he was using a different dye that Beth's normal. 2. A patch test wouldn't have revealed the allergy which didn't show up for hours after.

Fashion accessory award: Beth's blingy hair bow

Continutity fail. I'm sure on Friday's episode Tracy mentioned that she and Robert were staying overnight at the hotel where the wedding fair was, but Robert then called up the hotel on Monday booking a surprise night in a posh suite for them. Don't tell my girlfriend! Huh?

Not the brightest button award: Tim would have been more successful at hiding and avoiding Sally's photo shoot if he hadn't tried hiding behind a newspaper in the local cafe.

Lines of the week:
Beth "Don't look at me, I'm a monster!"
Robert about Beth "She's all mouth and no trousers, that one" (Phrase of Doom alert!)
Sally "People want bold thinking, Tim!"
Anna to Sally "Voting for you is like turkeys voting for Christmas"
Izzy "I'm fine, thanks" Erica "When you're bored of putting a brave face on it, let me know"
Todd "I just don't do 'sincere' very well" (heh)
Kylie to Beth "Get back under a bridge, ya troll"
Tim about Sally "She cares about you even when she's nagging you in a high pitched voice"
Sally about men and gifts "Hints don't work, not unless you write it on a bit of paper and nail it to their leg"

Deirdre: A Life on Coronation Street - official ITV tribute to a soap icon. Available here.

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1 comment:

Daithi_c said...

Actually, David DID notice while he was doing Beth's hair
that it wasn't her usual colouir, AND as Audry correctly
pointed out the note about Beth's sensitivities WAS in
her customer file.

He WAS overwhelmed, but that's no excuse to cut safety corners.
I think HE wanted to apologize and make things right,
but Kylie the pit bull and Beth are too much alike (aggressive).

A year's hair cuts might be too much, perhaps 6 months once
ever 2 weeks (non transferable) would have been fair.

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