(This post was originally posted by Seapenguin on the Coronation Street Blog in October 2011.)
Is there anyone out there who actually likes Coronation Street's Auntie Pam (played by Kate Anthony)? Me, I can't stand the character. I've never liked her. She's nosey, a know-all who can't keep her trap shut for five minutes, and hides her own bitterness under a sanctimonious paper-thin veneer of "I'm a down to earth woman who's only telling it like it is".
I really like Bill Webster and in my opinion he deserves far better than this ghastly shrieking shrew. And what about that heart attack! One minute Pam is preaching about salad and stress levels, and the next she's increasing his stress by opening her relentless gob and having a go at anyone within a ten mile radius. No wonder he keeled over like a felled tree.
She couldn't let it lie, could she? She had to keep on venting her spleen even at Bill's hospital bed-side.
Nope. I can't stand the woman. Anyone else have any views on Auntie Pam?
My own blog is here.
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