Sunday, 12 February 2012

Sunday Canadian Corrie Comments, February 12

Carla is really feeling guilty and Frank is really determined to keep the story straight. Deirdre and Ken piled on a whole crapload more guilt about Leanne gutted that she could lose her mother. While Stella was still in a coma and everyone's worried and Eva is *still* taking pot shots at Leanne. Grow up! Of course, Stella came out of the coma, though. You didn't think she wouldn't did you? Everyone is spending all their energy hating Frank and it just rolls right off his back, doesn't it? I wonder if he could field Karl's fists as easily. I get the feeling Karl is pretty tough.

Carla should never have put Peter in that position of knowing the truth about her driving. It means he has even more reason to lie to Leanne and the police too. Peter's lying to Leanne yet again and still only telling Leanne half truths. I know he's concerned about a friend but he never learns. He still hasn't admitted to that one steamy kiss nor that he knows Carla was drink driving. It all makes him look guiltier than he is even though he's still protesting that he loves Leanne, not her. She reckons he understands her more. but the thing is both of them have so much baggage and problems that even though they might understand each other, it's exactly that which will drag them both down. Peter may love Carla on some level but I think he really does love Leanne.

But finally, because he told her not to marry Frank if she doesn't love him, she's now got that in her head. But he keeps reminding her how much she owes him so she feels like she can't back down. Frank slithered out of a serious charge and Karl's not happy about it. Can't blame him really.

And Frank is very tough on Carla too though i can't blame him for being angry that Carla told Peter. It does put him in a bad position legally and it's going to make Frank think there's still more between them. Carla's really vulnerable right now and that's going to have repercussions but i'm glad she put Frank in his place. He may have done it to keep her from getting into trouble but i think having that to hold over her hasn't escaped him either. Pile on the pressure, Frank, add another lovely family style house with a room perfect for a nursery into the mix. Don't like it? Ok, we'll see this older one. push, push, push. No wonder Carla ran like a running thing! She was having second, third and fourth thoughts before that as it was.

It came down to really bad timing, though. She had to weigh the odds and figure out how it's going to affect the business, doing all that behind his back of course. And wasn't that the most awkward hen party ever? Carla got out while the getting was good, letting Tommy entertain the rest of the hens. It was nice that the staff did a little party and cake in the factory but even that freaked out Carla who retreated for a large glass of wine. Then she pretended she'd had another client on the say before the wedding and found a way for him not to go with her. Frank really must be in love and love really must be blind for him not to see all the signs.

"We need to talk" Uh oh...

Breaking up with him the night before the wedding pushed him over the edge. Afterwards, I think he knew what he'd done but I also think he has himself convinced otherwise. He's that controlling after all. Let's not get into analysing it. He raped her. I'm not sure i'm entirely happy about Corrie featuring a rape storyline. I know it happens and i know they did it once before with Toyah and it was brutal then, too. I know it was done realistically but it's just so much of a downer for Corrie don't you think?

Then there's the dull Gray family, so aptly named. Why didn't Lloyd offer Chris the taxi flat? And Chris is most definitely using his tumour to drive a wedge between Lloyd and Cheryl. And it looks like Cheryl might be having those old feelings again, she sure seemed jealous of Maria.

Dylan has gone back to London and Sean is gutted. Marcus too but he thinks it might be a good idea for them to adopt and Sean freaked out. Sean really does have problems with committment but mainly because he's never sure he won't stuff it up and Marcus will leave him. And he started off on the wrong foot by ignoring the texts, getting drunk and stumbling into the meeting. Can't blame Marcus for being disappointed but he did spring this all on Sean quite suddenly, mainly because he was so upset that Dylan was gone, I think. Sean knows Marcus wants a child so he dumped him! If you love someone let him go. But Marcus wasn't having any of it.

While Tracy was still off in London, Steve was climbing the walls. And Deirdre probably knews exactly where Tracy was and has had contact. She's a terrible liar. She won't have to lie any longer though, Tracy's back and boy does she have a surprise for Steve! She has sex with Steve twice in 10 years and gets pregnant both times when it's unlikely, because of the kidney transplant, that she would even find it that easy to conceive? Steve must have super swimmers! Steve wasn't too happy about seeing Tracy back, and he raked her over the coals. So much for happy families.

Tracy, in the face of Steve's wrath, thinks she should get rid of the pregnancy. I can see where she'd come to that decision. She knows Steve doesn't want her and saddling him with another child isn't doing him any favours. But of course, Steve figures Tracy is playing him like a violin. Steve does love Amy but you can understand he wouldn't want another kid foisted on him by his worst nightmare. It's happening anyway. Tracy is having the baby after all and Steve is going to support her anyway because he does love being a dad.

I reckon Tracy probably figures that if Steve will be there, she has a chance to work on him over time. First step... get a place to live. Second step, get the same place Becky wants to live in, the taxi flat, and guess what? Becky wins that round in the end.

Nice to see Steve and Becky not at each other's throats for a change. It seemed like there's a bit of a thaw between them for awhile. There might even have been a chance at reconciliation if Tracy hadn't turned up pregnant and made sure Becky found out by forcing Steve's hand. At least he was the one to tell her but...Ouch! Now Becky's decided she's having her pound of flesh, starting with the flat and determined to get everything she can out of poor Steve who can't afford it.

Did everyone stand up and cheer when Ken slagged off Tracy!? He changed his tune once he found out she was pregnant. Did you cheer when Steve tore a strip or two off her? Actually Steve really does go a bit over the top and far nastier than he has to be. Mind you, that's probably the only thing that really gets through to Tracy.

Tyrone is like a dog with two tails, he's that tickled to have Kirsty's number! What's he gonna do when he finds out Tommy paid her to chat to him? But even if that was the case, she wouldn't have given him her number and wanted to keep seeing him. Tommy did tell the truth and Tyrone figured Kirsty wouldn't show up but she did. It seems she really does like him.

But she doesn't like Tina! They certainly got off on the wrong foot. And how do you box a car in by mistake? I bet Kirsty played tit for tat with what she thought was Tina's car in revenge and let's face it, Tina only stoked that fire by leaving a nasty note. Kirsty seems pretty keen on Ty though, kind of pushy if you ask me. You get the feeling she's latching on to him, don't you? But i do like the actress.

Ken was waiting for the book, Rise and Fall of the British Empire at the library. I refuse to believe he's never read it nor owned a copy of it! Amy didn't seem all that ill. I reckon someone encouraged her to have some milk! (*cough*Deirdre*cough*) Tina's got her driving license and proceeded immediately to get into a pickle with it! Why on earth, when someone moves out of a flat, it's left in a right mess. Curtains half hanging down, a right mess. I'm sure when Lloyd moved out he didn't half unhook the curtains and leave them hanging like that.

You know, Tracy used to needle Karen about not being able to have kids and now she's doing it to Becky too. She should have learned. Karen nearly killed her!

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