Friday, 3 February 2012

Getting Fizzical

(This post was originally posted by David (Clinkers) on the Coronation Street Blog in September 2011.)

Cometh the hour, cometh the woman! It would appear that enough is enough for our Fiz tonight when she finally gets to grips with the inmates of Cell Block Weatherfield. The new improved Fiz appears just at the right time, as this particular blogger was getting a little weary of her weepy persona. Will Mrs Stape claim the Top Dog crown? Is she about to become the Bea Smith (as seen in around 40,000 episodes of 'Prisoner') of the new Millenium?

A round of applause, ladies and gentlemen, for the ever-impressive Jennie McAlpine who seems to have been at the forefront of many storylines in the past twelve months. Gawd bless yer (oops, sorry, wrong soap . . .) Well done duck.

Of course, Fiz should be back on the outside by the end of the year but should she retain a steely countenance or is it back to weeping over her showing machine?

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