Saturday, 19 January 2013

Video: Benedict Cumberbatch loves his Coronation Street

(This post was originally posted by Flaming Nora on the Coronation Street Blog November 2012, reposted to this blog with permission.)

British actor Benedict Cumberbatch - known to may of his fans as Sherlock, waxes lyrical to the Montreal Gazette in Canada about his love of Coronation Street.  It's a bit of an old video as he praises Corrie's 50th anniversary live episode but it is still worth watching.

Benedict says: "Corrie, to me, means a cup of tea and a tin of biscuits,” and he goes on to talk about the opening theme music (he even imitates the trumpet!) and the slow, slow drifting smoke over the rooftops of Manchester. Just thinking about Manchester makes him broaden his vowels, he says.

Have a look at it here.

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