Mike Tyson award: That was quite the wallop Jenny laid on Maria!
Musical ambiance: "At Last" playing at Gail's sixth wedding reception, after her second and, this time, successful attempt to marry Michael.
Snoop Dog award: Sophie went through Jenny's things.
Spin Doctor award: Jenny again, for making Maria look like the instigator and acting like a martyr.
Yoda award: Bethany called Nick "Yoda in a suit". He nearly has the ears for it, I guess ;)
Stella Price Mark II award: Callum pops up *everywhere*! Does he not have a home to go to?
Needs Levitation: Sarah, wearing heels, still barely clears the top of the bar by head and shoulders.
Crap Couple name: Carla and Nick will never get together. Their couple name is either Narla or Cack. Nerika, anyone?
Coming on Leaps and Bounds award: Sally's reading and grammar lessons are paying off! Tim spotted a missing apostrophe on Norris' sign! Well done for putting that nasty little oik in his place, Tim!
Lines of the Week:
Sally "I have no desire to be down with the house boys"
Roy: "I have never buttered anyone up in my life and I'm not about to start now" (I don't think he'd know how!)
Sharif "When it comes to my wife, I do as I'm told. It's easier in the long run" (and lets you avoid what you don't want to do)
Liz "We do get the occasional international clientele" Norris "But Polish labourers don't count" (and neither do you, you nasty troll)
Tim "You gotta wonder what goes through their heads as they're looking around, babies" Sally "Much like what goes through yours I imagine. Is it edible and have I wet myself?"
Sally to Sophie "When you forgive, you're in control of your emotions" Tim "Have you been reading them self help books again?" Sally "They're called management journals!"
Bethany: "The world's not going to stop turning because I've had one day off" (but it was also just your very first day)
Tim to Sally "Nuzzling into you is like burying my face in a summer's day. Sweet and intoxicating" (oh he's good, even if it was something he heard in an advert on telly!)
Beth to Sinead "If Carla gets a whiff of your knickers she'll have your guts for garters" (How do they get away with this stuff!!! LOL!)
Carla about Nick "He's not my type. He's far too decent" (What have I been saying all along?)
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