Thursday, 3 November 2011

Kylie and David: I can't wait!

So, we know now that David's new love is none other than Kylie Turner, Becky's sister. You remember Kylie, the one that blackmailed Becky and Steve into loads of dosh for her little boy, Max? Somehow, she got from Cypress to Teneriffe and was discovered cage dancing in a club David went to.

She obviously got tired of trying to teach that Greek fella English, took the money and ran. Probably went through all the cash as well, which is why she was dancing in a tawdry club, no doubt. The question now is, does she really love David or has he managed to convince her that he's the heir to the kingdom and she's using him as her next meal ticket? We already know they're going to help Xin and Graeme scam immigration with their double wedding. It's probably love on David's part, or at least, what passes for it in his mind. Kylie, being the loose cannon and sly witch that she is, is probably the ideal mate for David and the only one that could finally make him move on from his Tina obsession.

What a pair these two would make, eh? I'm fairly drooling with anticipation at the thought of Gail's face when she finds out and gleefully looking forward to Gail putting up with Kylie over the breakfast table! Between Kylie and David, it's going to be attitude overload. By rights, they should get their own place but David likes his home comforts too much and Gail will never throw him out.

I like Jack P. Shepherd and I like Paula Lane. Both of their characters are a "love to hate" thing for me. I also love Helen Worth and I love Gail even if she can be a miserable old thing. I'm looking forward to the interaction on this storyline.

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