Thursday, 10 November 2011

What about Gail?

I’d been thinking about this for quite some time now.  But, after last week’s episodes, I really thought “what about Gail?”  What on earth has happened to this character?  She really has gone through the ringer, of course.  Within the last year alone she’s become a McIntyre, marrying a man indebted with loan sharks and stupid ideas that eventually got him killed.  Gail almost went down for his death and spent enough time in lock-up until she was finally cleared.  Bad turns to worse as she ended up losing her job at the Medical Centre which she’s had for what seems like forever since, well, she’s not too sharp when it comes to patient-doctor confidentiality and seems to think “being a mum” to her adult son trumps that fact. 

Since September of last year Gail has been unemployed and basically useless.  Not only does she not have a job, she ceases to have a purpose.  She attempted to think about finding another fellow, but that idea was quickly dismissed after Jeff fell for Sally instead of her.  So, nothing in the romance department.  Other than being a miserable back-story to David and mum Audrey, what does Gail have going on?  No one cares to listen to her.  As evidenced by Audrey completely patronizing and dismissing her concerns about David, Kylie and the salon.  Not to mention David ignoring his mum’s concerns to the point of making a joke out of it.

Has Gail been put out to pasture?  What do you think?  Is anyone missing Gail and wishing she had a storyline or are we enjoying her on the sidelines?  Perhaps, we viewers don’t even notice her ourselves!

I have always been on the fence with the character of Gail Potter Tilsley Platt Hillman Platt McIntyre, admittedly.  However, I don’t like the thought of useless characters (queue Kirk Sutherland).  So, if Gail is to be on the show, please give her a refreshingly new storyline?  (writers? please?).  I’d personally like to NOT see Gail hook up with another useless man.  I’d love to see her in a storyline where she gets out of her shell a bit.  Perhaps she’ll have an idea to start a business since she can’t find a job and will start looking for investors/partners.  And guess who is one of the ONLY people on the street right now with a bit of dosh?  Yes, doesn’t Tracy still have some of her Gran’s money?

Any other storylines you’d like for Gail?  Or would you like to just keep her in the corner? 

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