Saturday, 26 November 2011

No Reconciliation for Kev and Sal (slight spoiler)

(This post was originally posted by me on the Coronation Street Blog in March, 2011.)

In a smart move, Phil Collinson has told Inside Soap that the Websters will not be reconciling in the foreseeable future. Via Digital Spy reporting on the question and answer article in the magazine, we find out that he thinks "we have to do it justice and show what happens when a marriage collapses" and I think he's right. I think there's far too much water under the burned bridge now after Kevin's affair and baby have devastated the family unit. I know on soaps, favourite couples like Ken and Deirdre make up, break up and get back together over and over, but this time I think it should be permanent between Sal and Kev.

Even though I do realize that Sally has had affairs, the fact remains that the marraige broke up the first time when Kevin had an affair with Natalie Barnes while Sally was nursing her mother. This time, the marriage again has imploded after Kevin's affair with his best friend's wife, which resulted in a baby that he's now raising after Molly's untimely death and Tyrone not able to accept the child as his own. Kevin was willing to ignore Sally's affair with Ian Davenport, not willing to give up his family and he didn't want to give it up after having the affair with Molly either, not when he got that sharp wakeup call when Sally became ill.

Ironically, staying with Sally then was probably the straw that broke the camel's back because to Sally, it felt like he stayed with her out of pity rather than him realizing what he was about to lose, literally, making him see sense. After all their ups and downs, affairs and one divorce under their belt, only to be betrayed yet again, I can't see how Sally could ever trust Kevin again. And now that the girls are grown and becoming more independent, Sally won't have to use them as an excuse to let Kevin back in.

For Kevin's part, as always, he watches Sally with puppy dog sad eyes, wanting her and his family back even though he knows he blew it spectacularly. He thinks anything is forgiveable but if the shoe were on the other foot, if Sally's affair with Davenport had produced a baby, you can bet he would have shut the door on her and locked it firmly. He did almost that when she had a fling with Greg Kelly, insisting that he keep the girls, too, but he did want her back after Greg hurt Sally and was finally chased away.

No, I think it's time the Websters started in new directions. I doubt Sally will go the distance with JAlfie but it's good for her to have a little fun and have a relationship that gives her some confidence back.

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