Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Corrie's cross dresser reveals all

New face: Kenneth (R) made his debut in the soap in a scene in which Audrey (Sue Nicholls) confronts Marc (Andrew Hall)

(This post was originally posted by Flaming Nora on the Coronation Street Blog May 2011, reposted to this blog with permission.)

In last week's Coronation Street, we saw Marc the tranvestite turn up in the bar where he bumped into Audrey.

And in that scene, ex-farmer Kenneth Prestidge was cast as Marc's transvestite friend.   Kenneth, who is also known as Justine, said: 'I'm thrilled to get a part in the show but it will be like home from home to me. When I'm working I'm a gruff, scruffy farmer in green wellies, but when I go out I get proper glammed up with my Christian Louboutins - I have 15 or 16 pairs."

Kenneth got the part after taking acting classes when food-and-mouth disease forced him to sell off his previous stock cows.  He told the Daily Mail: 'I've got 50 own-bred Dairy Shorthorns that I milk myself. I love living a double life - it's two sides to my character. But I'm keen to make Corrie a regular thing and became a well-known Corrie star.'

Kenneth was full of praise for the cast and crew of Corrie, and said: 'Corrie is just like a little family. They're lovely. I've never been on such a nice set. He said: "'Sue Nichols is a real lady, the most wonderful person I've ever met. She treated me like a son. She was wonderful. She treated me like a member of her family. What I love about the Corrie stars is that they're not big-headed at all.'

Check out Justine's website here and view the clip of Justine n Corrie below.

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