(This post was originally posted by David on the Coronation Street Blog in May 2011.)
It's been the unresolved question hanging over Weatherfield for over a quarter of a century. How did Elsie Tanner's life pan out once she had left the cobbles. In a wonderful scene last night, Dennis Tanner finally solved the puzzle. In a heart to heart with old flame Rita, he told her that Elsie had lived a long and happy life in Portugal, married to Bill Gregory. However, she had died aged 81 in a car accident, her wonderful red sports car having left the road and ended up at the bottom of a cliff.
Personally, I think it was a fantastic idea to bring closure (I hate that phrase but it had to be used) to the Elsie story. Plus Rita asked the question that long-standing fans had often mused over.
Were you happy with this piece of Corrie history being brought to a close or should Elsie have remained unspoken about, forever knocking back a vodka and tonic on the Algarve?
As Elsie once said . . . "Now there's a question!"
I loved it that Elsie was mentioned and what a way to go!
She left the street very quietly - which was out of character for her, so it was nice to find out how she spent her days
I really enjoy when they mention past storylines and characters and Elsie was such an icon that everyone always wanted to know what happened. If she lived happily ever after etc.
It was a wonderful tribute to a wonderful character. I still miss Pat Phoenix.
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