Monday, 19 December 2011

Fab Photo - Group Hug!

Hope doesn't look so excited about the group hug Julie was endorsing! It's like she's saying "Group Hug, Julie? Seriously? Who does that anymore!".

And didn't you just want to smack that smug look off John's face when Fiz was lying to the cop?


Trudy said...

My husband, son and I agree - we never want to be in Weatherfield and have to use emergency services. They are the most useless police force ever. During the tram wreck it took forever to get there although when Jim was robbing the bank they were there in minutes. Then instead of them negotiating with John they left it to Fiz and Chesney!

Tvor said...

I know! And why on earth didn't Ken or even Owen call the police when Becky went on the rampage? To be fair, on the night of the tram crash, they did make a point of saying there had been a couple of big car accidents that made the traffic all snarled up and trust me, i've been in Manchester and when it's snarled up it's impassable

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