Monday, 19 December 2011

Graeme/Tina/Xin: A Positive view (spoilers)

Now, I know there has been a lot of criticism of this storyline but I have to admit that for the most part, I have enjoyed it.
Although the ending has been very predictable, probably because Craig Gazey is leaving soon, it has been enjoyable and I think if this storyline was played on any other soap, it would not work.

Why? Because this storyline, played out on any other soaps, could have been totally serious. Now, I don't want to bash other soaps, but everyone knows that Coronation Street is the king of comedy in soaps, and this comedy has been shown throughout this storyline.

From hiding behind sofas, to staging fake parties and break-ups, there have been plenty of funny scenes.

There has been criticism of the acting of Elisabeth Tan in the role of Xin which I don't think has been fair, there are plenty of worse actors on the street!

Michelle Keegan, with all her sexiest female awards, is often ignored on the acting stakes but tonight she shone in the role of a broken hearted woman. Although we all know it was her idea for Graeme and Xin to get married, she would never have expected this to happen and all she wanted to do was help her friend.

Craig Gazey...well, all I can say is that he is going to be missed. He has had some great scenes and storyline's during his time on the street and there will be a comedy void left behind when he leaves the street for good next week.

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