Saturday, 26 November 2011

Happy Easter in Weatherfield? (Some spoilers)

Well, had the Easter bunny arrived in Weatherfield this weekend, he would have probably thrown himself under the nearest tram. Misery was alive and kicking on the cobbles as we settled back for a doom-laden couple of episodes.

Previous comments this weekend have mentioned Misery Maria and I have to agree, she seems to portrayed as one of the next generation of sour-pusses. Will she be the Gail of the next decade? Personally I can cope with Fiz at the moment as we are promised that she will be delivered from the millstone of a storyline that has hampered her progress for so long. With her demented hubby out of the way, here's hoping that Fiz emerges from the shadows in a positive way.

It was sad to see the excellent Steve Huison depart as hapless Eddie Windass. I'm with him on this one though - I'd run to Germany to escape that Devil Child! When Eddie first arrived in the Street I'd anticipated abother version of Les Battersby. However, Huison's portrayal fleshed Eddie out from being a stereotypical slob. Yes, there were definitely layers to Eddie and, sadly, we won't find out how many more. Here's wishing Mr H the very best in the future.

The rest of the evening seemed to focus on the unloveable Xin and her "when I'm cleaning windows" routine, Steve and his giant egg plus the return of the chavvy Platts. Welcome home . . .


Suburban Princess said...

The moment he baked that cake for the very first time...remember? The peace offering cake? I knew there was more to him than meets the eye.

Tvor said...

He's turned into a wonderful classic corrie character!

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