Monday, 2 January 2012

Corrie Canada weekly awards: Dec. 26 - 30

It's not you, it's me award: Well, yes, it is you.

Nosy Nelly award: Gold Star: Sylvia pushed and poked to find out why Roy and Hayley are not producing grandchildren, including trying to get the truth out of Norris and Rita.

Pot Stirring award: Iron star: I think it's got to be a tie between Sally mithering Fiz and Tracy spelling the beans to Sylvia.

Knight in Shining Armour award: Gold Star: Roy stoutly defended his Hayley against his mother's tirades. Yay, Roy!
Silver Star: Frank rescuing Carla. Peter's talk didn't do her much good in the end.

Loving: Becky facing down Sylvia. Roy's school photo. Ken pulling and cutting the plug on the jukebox.

Retro nod to Episode 1: Dennis said he wasn't ready for the knacker's yard, his mother, who was looking in a mirror in episode 1 said "Eee Elsie, you're just about ready for the knacker's yard."

Feet under the Table award: Steve gone. Becky back in the Rovers causing havoc. Sorted.

Family Tree award: Gold Star: Could Dennis be related to Eileen? We've always wondered about the Grimshaw connection.

Fashion award: Becky's t-shirt obviously meant she was up for a day of reckoning.

Wonder Woman cracked: Carla fell to pieces after her mum died and her family turned on her.

Rile the bear award: Gold Star: Getting Nosy with Carla only gets you earache, Nozzer!

SuperWoman award: Stella took on a bat weilding burglar who didn't take much threatening in the end.

Pants on fire award for this week: Gary "forgot" to tell Izzy Will came to the door? Yeah right.

Move on, sweetheart award: Maria has no business in Carla's business, Frank or not.

Are you new here? Gold Star: Ken has lived next to a pub for decades. Surely there's been noisy evenings before. Ok, maybe not to this extent!
Silver Star: Amy didn't even look sideways at Becky in the pub when she went for the sleepover. Weird.

Lines of the week:
Sylvia "I haven't the teeth for hard centres anymore. I have to rely on my bark, these days." Norris "She's no problems on that score."
Eva about Steve "I can do better than him. No offence" Steve "Well, some taken"
Steve "The days I live in fear of women are well and truly o... Oh dear..." (In walks Becky)
Stella "She's been steadily necking snakebites all afternoon. Way she's going she'll have enough venom in her to bring down an elephant"
Sylvia "I don't understand any of it" Becky "She's Hayley Cropper. It's as simple as that"
Becky to Sylvia "Hayley's got more kindness in her little finger than you do in your whole hairdo!"
Becky to Stella et al "My marraige might be a war zone but you lot are already looking like casualties"
Becky "You're a jumped up van man with delusions of grandeur"
Lloyd about Becky "What's yours is hers, what's hers is hers"

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