Monday, 30 January 2012

Corrie Canada weekly awards: January 23 - 27

Style award: Julie again for that fab black and red dress. It really did say "banquet" and "take me but not all at once" didn't it!

Snidely Whiplash award: Gold Star: Yes, Peter, Frank was being snidey.

Idiot award: Peter reckons Frank was an idiot to propose in front of everyone. Um. You did it. And so did Leanne.

Pity Party award: Gold Star: Chris won't accept help from anyone except Cheryl and is rude to everyone else.

Pants on Fire award: Carla is lying through her capped teeth aobut not loving Peter anymore!

Baby Blues award: Teary Star: Fiz's new friend Ruth is using her baby to get drugs into the prison and her cellmate is offering it to her. Ruth is putting a sob story onto Fiz but she's also tough as nails.

This means war award: Norris is on a crusade to bring Sylvia down!

He's My Hero award: Gold Star: Norris isn't my hero but I did enjoy him trying to charge Sylvia £5 for a newspaper!

Heart is in the right place award, Methods need a bit of work: Gold star: Sylvia wants to help but she's only going to drive away the customers. Adjust the prices 50p to include the cost of sauces.
Silver star: Tommy needs to invite Tina if he's making a meal. Surprises bring you a dinner companion with a 5 o'clock shadow.

Fits like a glove award: Gold star: I do like Karl, I must say.

Got your number, ladeh award: Gold Star: Kylie accused Gail of being jealous, spiteful and knowing no woman will be good enough for her son. She's right. Then Audrey sacked her. Frankly, Audrey was asking for a bit of Kylie's revenge

Sherrif of Weatherfield Nick award: Gold Star: Fiz is out to right all wrongs in the jailhouse.

Love is Blind award: Gold Star: Does Julie really think Brian is a George Clooney type? Must really be love! Eileen's expression pretty much mirrored mine!

Lines of the week
Audrey "The two of you couldn't run a bath let alone your own business"
Julie "Single is the cruelest word on the planet. That, and banana"
and "I am offering you the full English here but if all you want is cold toast and a quick coffee, it's your funeral"
Sally (dreamily, about Frank) "Men like that don't take 'No' for an answer" Sean with a lot more meaning "No. They don't"
Norris about Julie's excitement "If she'd been a puppy, she'd have left a puddle"
Leanne about Frank "Do you think he knows that all of her husbands have their own personal vault in the cemetery?" (she's not far wrong, either)
Governor to Fiz "Please tell me. I won't let you down" (Do I smell a Phrase of Doom?)
Emily about Norris "What if he's formed an alliance?" (i.e. he got lucky? Nah!)
Sylvia "What on earth would Al Qaida want with Mr. Magoo?"
Marcus "You need to be pro-active" Julie "I'm a woman, Marcus, not a yogurt"
Mary to Emily "Leave your Christianity home and locate your inner cow!"
Kylie "I'm supposed to stay in then, like a nun?" Gail "I can think of professions you're better qualified for..."

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