(This post was originally posted by Seanie on the Coronation Street Blog in August 2011.)
This week, I am asking, "Are you a fan of the Marc/Marcia story line?" I thought it a bit bizarre at first, and it's getting worse, unfortunately, I can't stand it to be honest, it's brutal viewing.
Firstly, poor Andrew Hall. While he's trying to do a good job, it isn't coming out well (pardon the pun) I find the storyline very tedious and dull, waiting for the scenes to finish, and I cringe every time I see him on the show.
Of course there have been a few good parts, the bar scene where Audrey throws drinks over the two men was very funny. And, dare I say it, last week's scene with Marc's face in the pie was slightly hilarious.
But apart from that, I'm not a fan of this storyline. It could be great, but not now, and it's a wasted opportunity in my eyes but to be honest, the sooner he leaves, the better, I say. So its a firm NAY from me, and what about you?
Hate it! Cringe whenever it's one
Nay! You'd really think Audrey could do something with that wig and fashion sense. And even when he is Marc, I can't stand the way he speaks with his teeth clenched. Not Aud material at all.
I think the storyline could have been a bit better if the actor didn't clench his teeth when he spoke and if they'd find a more stylish wig and wardrobe!
I don't like it at all, he doesn't make a very good looking woman.
No he doesn't, but I would think that was the point of the storyline. He should be easily recognizable as a man when in women's clothing. He's not trying to "pass" as a woman, he just likes to wear women's clothing. Even if he looked the part, with that deep voice he'd never manage it!
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