Sunday, 10 February 2013

Falling out of love with Corrie?

(This post was originally posted by Graeme N on the Coronation Street Blog in January 2013.)

I have a dreadful confession to make. On two occasions this week I have been unfaithful to Coronation Street. I've watched Corrie religiously for as long as I can remember, always catching up with episodes if I've been out or away on holiday. However, for some reason this week the lure of cakes and baking on the other side has captured my heart. 

Oh don't worry, I'll be back. Also, I would never cheat on Weatherfield with another inferior serial drama. I did have a certain fondness for Brookside back in the day, but I could happily watch both, side by side. I did watch that London-based programme once (I forget its name) but it did feel like finding yourself in a dodgy part of town late at night. Not an experience to be repeated. 

In my time I have converted family and friends to the joys of Coronation Street, not to mention a deeply sceptical American fiancĂ©. So why am I suddenly not terribly bothered about missing it?

Well for one thing I feel certain stories drone on for far too long. If I want that kind of thing these days I can watch the news. Also, where's the fun? Even in these debt ridden times the residents of Weatherfield could surely raise a smile now and then. I know it would certainly cheer me up. I'm also sick and tired of the same old faces doing the same old things - namely bed-hopping, creating babies (both wanted and unplanned, and all that goes with it) and fighting and general bad behaviour in public. I know we're not the same as we were when Annie Walker ruled the roost, but I'm afraid it's all getting a bit much for me. 

I long for the unusual storyline that somehow works. I'm thinking of Roy and Hayley really, when I say this. I'm thinking of long scenes full of lovely dialogue that go nowhere other than show what great writing and sharp characterisation can do. I expect a return to Corrie's roots now we have a new producer, and hopefully a fresh look at Coronation Street as a whole. I see a new producer coming in as giving Corrie a good spring clean. And oh heck, does it need it. 

I guess all my complaints arrive at one final comment. I feel these days that I could go away and not watch the Street for a week or more and come back with the feeling that I hadn't really missed anything. I don't know if it's the number of episodes, the pace of the stories or the repetition and recycling, but it's just how I feel. And that for me is the greatest change of all. In the meantime I'm taking my grumpy self off for a large slice of Manchester Tart - no, not Deirdre. 

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