(This post was originally posted by Graeme N on the Coronation Street Blog in January 2013.)
Oh dear lord. Reading the Coronation Street spoiler that Tracy soon shares a taxi with Rob gave me an involuntary shudder.
I simply cannot cope with the pairing of two of my least favourite Corrie characters. Why must this happen?
What worries me most is that all they'll have to do is share a taxi cab for 10 minutes and Tracy will be pregnant despite the fact that she is on the pill and Rob whats-his-name has had a vasectomy. I jest of course. Well, given the Corrie writers' recent flights of fancy, anything is possible.
I can't see the logic that lead the powers that be to put these two unedifying spectacles together. Both are incredibly dull. Both are incredibly tedious.
And both lack any redeeming qualities whatsoever.
I am quite sure this latest Tracy pairing (how many have there been now, I lost track when she woke up next to Roy Cropper for a bet) is just so the writers can resuscitate that dreadful old story of jealousy over Steve being with Michelle. You'll remember Michelle as that lass who seemingly gained a business degree overnight, while raising a son who not only isn't hers but came back from a sojourn in Glasgow with a different head, looking older than his mummy. Mind you I've had nights out in Glasgow that have had the same effect on me. I digress.
My main point amidst all this rambling is: What are the Corrie writers thinking about?! In the past it would be seen as sensible to put a less than popular character with a more popular, established one. Where is the sense in putting two rubbish characters together, unless they cancel each other out that is...now there's a thought. I also really dislike the idea of Tracy going to work in Underworld. Exactly how many jobs can Carla create in that place? I do honestly think the recent stories at the faktry have been rather pointless and more than a little dull. If only they could bring back Ida Clough!
So finally, what would I like to see come out of the Tracy/Rob pairing? I can only hope that Tracy will kill after mating. Oh hang on, she's already done that. Still, that's not stopped the powers that be before!
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