Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Cheryl and Chris - Corrie hit or miss?

(This post was originally posted by Flaming Nora on the Coronation Street Blog November 2011, reposted to this blog with permission.)

I don't know about you but I counted down the days and got the bunting out when the dreadful Cheryl and Chris left Coronation Street.

Chris came into the soap as a wife-beating bully and she took refuge with the wonderful Lloyd, who has been dragged down by this tripe of a story. Now Chris has got a brain tumour and although he's going to recover he's lying to Cheryl to try to get back from Lloyd.  I just hope Lloyd punches his bleedin' lights out when he finds out what he's been doing behind his back and in his own home. 

Cheryl and Chris are dull, dull, dull and I lose the will to be a Corrie fan every time they come on screen. I hope this hasn't left anyone in two minds as to whether I like Cheryl and Chris or not. I don't and I never have.

But never mind me, what do you think, Corrie fans?

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