Friday, 30 March 2012

Corriecraft: Building the Street in Minecraft

(This post was originally posted by Chewy on the Coronation Street Blog in December 2011.)

Minecraft is a PC game released by a studio called Mojang, and unlike most modern games you only pay for it once. The game is constantly updated with new features on a regular basis.

Being a fan of both Corrie and Minecraft, I have decided to under take a massive project, to build Coronation Street, then Weatherfield in the game. The way the game works is that you 'mine' blocks which then can be placed onto buildings.

So far I have only managed to build the Rovers exterior in the game, though I will soon move onto the rest of the terraced row, before moving onto the newer side of the Street. In the past I once built Coronation Street in The Sims 2 on my old 'in-world' 'Weatherfield Recorder' blog.

Are there any other Corrie gamers out there who have created Corrie stuff in their games? If so, send it to us and I will be sure to give it a blog!

How Weatherfield currently looks!

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