Saturday, 7 April 2012

'Splain something to me...Corrie's dangling storylines

(This post was originally posted by me on the Coronation Street Blog in December 2011.)

Let me get this straight...

The police attempted to question Tracy who then ran off pretending she was just too upset about losing the babies to talk about it and there's been no mention of the police trying to talk to her ever since? Really?

Fiz is out of prison, we saw the lovely D.C. Redfearn making a few enquiries. Fiz is only out on bail  until they investigate all of John's confessions, as I recall. What's going on there? No word yet if her conviction is being overturned. And Sally told her that Frank was hiring. She thanked Sally but did she actually get the job?

When Owen first dug the pond, he said he'd put a grill over it so Max wouldn't fall in. He never did though. Besides, it was apparently only the floor of the shed that was rotting. Owen. Builder. Couldn't he have just rebuilt it out of scrap wood?

If Eileen had a whole turkey for Christmas dinner and nobody to cook it for, why didn't she ask Brian and Julie? Brian would have been there in a shot, after Julie spent their dinner money on chickens for charity. I would think, her being so family-friendly, that she'd have been there at the merest sniff of a giblet!

They made a big deal about the Tram Crash anniversary and Leanne and Peter's anniversary, did they mention Hope's first birthday at all? No they did not but Tyrone mentioned it a few days later. Why didn't Fiz have a little cake for her or something?

And whatever happened to David's epilepsy? It must be well controlled because he's driving, he's drinking and he's handling sharp objects in the Salon.

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