Sunday, 29 April 2012

Sunday Canadian Corrie Comments, April 29

And the fallout of Tracy's lies and manipulations is widespread, loud and ugly. Ken is horrified at Tracy and Deirdre. Steve is fed up and feeling guilty that he didn't believe Becky and he's lost the latest love of his life. Steve has most definitely dumped Tracy. Let's hope he never again succumbs to a moment of weakness. I couldn't stand it! But guess what? He can't get an annullment because she'd have to agree to it and she won't. I guess she figures if she gives it enough time, she can work on him and win him back. I really  loved the scenes with Ken and Steve commiserating over a bottle of whiskey. Absolutely brilliant stuff! You don't often see Ken in comedy type scenes.

He's made his stand and he's chucked Tracy out. Where does she go? Down to the house that also has her name on the deed and here we go with the newly minted McDonald wars. I suppose it's apt that the house number is unlucky 13. St. Ella has brought Deirdre in to the back for a councilling session, yet another person she barely knows but you know, when there's someone in need, there's St. Ella indeed. But at least she didn't take Deirdre's side and she did talk sense.

Steve is stuck with Tracy but why couldn't he go to the Caribbean for a quicky divorce? Would that be recognized in the UK? Tracy is sure she can win him around. I wouldn't bet on it and i fervently hope he doesn't go back to her in the long run. Tracy cries crocodile tears for her mother's sympathy so that her mother will plead her case to Steve. But Steve appears to have a plan, and it involves Owen. What could it be?

Sally's having sleepovers at Frank's and he's facing a trial. Frank's mother truely is ruthless when it comes to business. I'd say Frank takes after her, too,

Paul is having sleepovers at Eileen's and he's facing a disapproving Jason. I don't think what looks like a truce is going to last. It does feel a bit callous. I know the poor man needed a break and that's what the temporary respite home is for but it feels a bit much for him to jump right into bed with Eileen. I really do sympathise with him, it's such an awful thing he's got to deal with. He's carrying so much guilt for wanting some caring and love in his life, something his wife can't give him anymore but it feels wrong because it seems so out of character for Eileen to do. I'm with Julie, I think she's crossed a line. The rest of the storyline is quite good and the actor playing Lesley is fantastic, very believable.

Norris' eyes popped out of his head when he saw Eileen and Paul snogging on the doorstep, shamelessly. Eileen moaned about Jason's dad. What about Todd's?

Peter is trying to find a way to have a sleepover with Carla. More ducking and diving with Carla and Peter but she came across a client and had to run out because she thought Frank would catch her. She got into Peter's car and Frank saw her anyway. Where the heck is that private detective anyway? Pretty rubbish, if you ask me. She's back on the job and finally, when CarPet finally manage to get to a nice hotel in Chester and they are busted! They don't know it yet though. Meanwhile Stella's suspicions are even more on alert finding out that both Peter and Carla are out of town for the night.
Just in time for the trial. There's no way a rape victim would be able to encounter the accused out in public in front of the courthouse and the ITV production team has since admitted that was an error, showing that. It's dramatic license but they don't want real life cases thinking that's what happens. Carla's testimony was riveting, and did I spy a little flicker of remorse on Frank's face, just for a few seconds? But when the subject of finances and the factory came up, that was wiped off and it was back to shooting daggers.

Maria's testimony didn't go that well, and it makes me so angry when they bring up how someone is dressed!!! It also made Carla look pretty callous. Perfect timing, eh? Giving those photos to Leanne during Peter's testimony? So much for his lies about he and Carla not being in a relationship. And so the first of the people to stand up and holler out at a trial is Leanne. And it doesn't matter. You can tell the jury  not to pay attention to something they've heard, they can't unhear it and Peter got caught. He had to admit it. The jury is allowed to hear that one and remember it! It looks like this trial is about to go very badly for Carla and it's put Frank just exactly where he wants to be. 

I wonder if they legally could have brought up Peter? Well i suppose if they can accuse a woman of "asking for it" if you wear a short skirt, they can accuse you of having an affair and lying about a rape. There is an affair, but it didn't start until after. And Frank couldn't show the solicitor the photos, he had a better plan. He got his mother to give them to Leanne and outed the affair that way. Of course someone has to stand up and protest/holler. It's a standard soap thing.

Nick has finally moved out! Gail plans on lending the woman's touch to his new flat but I think Eva might have something to say about that. (Dev's posh one around the corner, why didn't he just ask Dev in the first place?). David and Kylie are immersed in parenting, going to the school parents' night and everything. Too bad they've already run aground with a scolding from headmaster Brian about school lunches. If he's the Head, why is he even checking all the kids' lunches? Wouldn't the class teachers be the ones doing that? Kylie does have a point, though what Brian eats on his own time is his own business.

The competition is looming. Norris thought he could cheat but then the piano's auto playback feature broke. Now what? And there's Sylvia's fella, Milton come to surprise her but good heavens couldn't the cliche fairy have given the character a miss. Even Brits don't say "boozes" and Americans most certainly don't and what's with the "Moseying"??? He's not even got a Texan accent. Anyway, apparently the Rovers still has a piano. Where on earth was it stashed? Looked like a closet! 

Anyway, the competition was a bit of a washout and Norris and Mary's scheme to pretend they didn't know the piano was broken didn't get far because apparently the Rovers has a piano hidden away somewhere. Mary had to practially break Norris' fingers to get him out of it. Sylvia is ushering Milton around the neighbourhood and it was quickly clear that she'd bigged up her surroundings and life.

Laughed at Milton thinking Nick's Bistro was Roy's but i suspected he knew all along that Sylvia was hedging things when he met Roy in the pub the first night. He was kind enough to let Sylvia come clean on her own. Milton interacting with Roy was fun, too and now the big business man Milton wants to take over!

Brian is being pushed to raise the test result scores of the kids at school. This despite the fact he's only been there 5 minutes.

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